
Let me know when you find something better, I've been considering

-The Phoenix Project- (Asha Logos) is making good headway it seems.
You may even contribute if you choose.

A Different Social Media Platform

The Launch of 'The Phoenix Project'

I mean, it sounds like they should be leveraging Hive. And when they say "positive vibes only" and "member's only" sounds like a de-facto priesthood. Ranking "quality" is going to lead inevitably to DOGMA.

You should engage them in their groups.
Btw, I agree, and it led me to, not contribute.
However I don't think that I should judge so suddenly, based on a quick little introj (especially since he has so much excellent work).....but I wouldn't have the time right now regardless, with all the other things I am involved in already and those in queue...

Well, they certainly seem to be well-intentioned and are promoting some valuable ideas.

Yes, but not for a while.
It goes a little down the rabbit hole if I remember, but not that far ;)
I may watch this again though thanks!

Thank you for bringing this to my attention.