An article by a Japanese freelance journalist living in Germany

in Deep Dives6 months ago


Toru Kumagai, a Japanese freelance journalist living in Munich, Germany, said,

At a "secret meeting" held last year in Potsdam by far-right officials with AfD party members, a master plan to deport millions of foreigners was discussed.

The master plan called for the deportation of not only foreigners, but also naturalized German citizens.

The plan to deport even its own citizens is outrageous and absurd. It is a complete violation of the Constitution.

However, the far-right has long tended not to consider naturalized Germans to be genuine Germans. They consider only so-called "Bio-Germans" as Germans. They distinguish themselves from naturalized "paper Germans."

The emphasis on "pure blood" is an ideology that is reminiscent of the Nazis of the 1930s.

Alice Weidel, co-leader of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, declared that she will hold a referendum on Germany's exit from the European Union (Drexit) if she comes to power.

The AfD currently has the second highest approval rating in the country. What is wrong with Germany?

The participation of a member of the far-right party AfD in a secret meeting of the far-right, with the expulsion of foreigners as one of its agendas, has shocked German society.

Every week in Germany there are demonstrations by citizens against the far right.

Nevertheless, the number of AfD party members is growing by almost 100 every day.

Every day about 130 citizens send in an application to join the AfD. (annual membership fee 120 euros).

The AfD has not been able to keep up with the processing of applications, and 8,000 applications remain untouched.

The AfD currently has 41,000 party members, but it is estimated that this number will increase to 50,000-60,000 in the near future.

Critical press coverage of the far-right and protest demonstrations have conversely increased the number of citizens wishing to join the far-right party.

Germany, too, has gone quite wrong.

He himself is a foreigner, not a German citizen. What will he choose in the future? Unlike Japan, I had thought that Germany sincerely reflected on its past war crimes and taught this in its schools. In Japan, there is a saying, "What happens twice happens three times." Germany was defeated twice in the past in two world wars. Are they going to repeat the same mistake?

As one of citizens in the same defeated country, I cannot take my eyes off of Germany.