How to prevent the end of humanity?

in Deep Dives6 months ago (edited)


Five days ago, an American economist Robert Reich said, "The 5 richest billionaires on the planet have doubled their wealth since 2020. If this trend continues, we will have the first-ever trillionaire within the decade. It's not radical to tax the rich. It's radical to allow this level of wealth concentration to continue."

Oh dear. We have a wealth inequality problem, and we will have an ever-widening gap.

And with climate change threatening to destroy the planet itself, humanity has less than 10 years left to reduce CO2 emissions.

The situation may become more dire than anything mankind has ever experienced.

At that time, humanity may be forced to choose between death or a different system from the endlessly profit-seeking capitalism that produces wasteful goods and destroys the environment.

The West may have laughed and thought they had won when the Soviet Union failed in its experiment with socialism, but now they should consider what capitalism has put the planet in.


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And with climate change threatening to destroy the planet itself, humanity has less than 10 years left to reduce CO2 emissions.

This is fake. Won’t happen. The solution is much simpler. Take these 5 richest billionaires on the planet, WEF gang, WHO gang, climate scam gang, hang them at the squares of big cities, and the life will go back to normal.

Thanks for your comment. I'm not surprised. My father said something similar to you about hanging a long time ago.