What you don't want to know

in Deep Dives6 months ago (edited)

Roger Waters: "Socialism Is Great!"
Rumble with Michael Moore podcast

Roger Waters and Michael Moore discuss the “s-word,” Britain’s National Health Service, John Pilger and the public relations industry.

You all know Roger Waters, formerly of Pink Floyd, right?

Wikipedia says this.

Waters was born on 6 September 1943, the younger of two boys, to Mary (née Whyte; 1913–2009) and Eric Fletcher Waters (1914–1944), in Great Bookham, Surrey.[2] His father, the son of a coal miner and Labour Party activist, was a schoolteacher, a devout Christian, and a Communist Party member.[3]

Are Pink Floyd fans reading this? I hear a lot of Pink Floyd fans say, "Just play music. We don't care about politics.'' From a Japanese perspective, this is a phenomenon that gives a sense of déjà vu. Because Japanese people often say, "Don't bring politics into music.'' I thought this was a problem only in Japan, but it turns out there are people in other countries who say the same thing.

Incidentally, Roger Waters has been supporting Palestine long before the current crisis in Gaza, and has called on his musical colleagues not to perform concerts in Israel.

Waters, Michael Moore, and Robert Reich are the rare Anglo-Americans who still believe in socialism.

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