
Within one of the links you provided is a clue to what's taking place. "“Now, there are changes that haven’t happened in 100 years. When we are together, we drive these changes.” Where else do you hear similarly? The motto used in the US by political leaders "We are stronger together" People tend to believe that statement is a focus on inclusion, the reality is it's a focus on the new world order, the great reset. They, political leaders, are driving the changes. I wrote on an aspect of this in my latest op. It was okay for Obama to go on what was described as an apology tour but when it came to making a mends with brutal dictators he couldn't be the one, instead of be seen as trying to make a mends, to heal the wounds of the past he'd been seen as a Uncle Tom, to make the mend with the brutal dictators they left that up to Trump. The world moving forward won't have a one world hegemony, it'll be craved into different centralized groups of power...but they will all be working together to make changes not seen in one hundred years.

If one is paying attention they can figure this stuff out because what they are saying and doing and what they were doing behind the scenes just didn't add up. Like to claim the war in Ukraine prompted Europe to change course on who supplied them with their energy. That couldn't have happened if they hadn't already built the infrastructure needed for it to happen, the war was just the catalyst to push forward the change once that infrastructure was in place. There's no way it could have been a spontaneous decision based just on the war if that infrastructure hadn't already been in place, they'd still be getting Russian energy just like they have since Russia initially went into Crimea. It also wouldn't add up that being sanctioned by Europe and their accounts frozen that Russia would have been sending them diesel this whole time, they didn't put sanctions on diesel fuel until Feb 5th of this year. I mean really when does your enemy send you the fuel needed to get weapons to the front lines? I don't think that's ever historically happened, ever. That was phase 2 of the transition. Russia wasn't upset because they were getting the Chinese transition, a market three fourths the size of Europe. But the thing is the reset is being driven by fear, if you can keep people focused on fearing each other they'll never notice or figure out the great reset is happening right underneath them.

Will this new digital currency being the new currency in the end? That, if you asked me my opinion on it depends on how much of the old system you can take down, take down the old system a large part of that depends on taking out nationalist because they are the strongest barriers to change, the newer generation is more open to change. I highly doubt it will be bitcoin, they've pretty much taken a stance on that, the question with bitcoin is going to come about as if they'll actually still let it exist or co exist. Bitcoin could have been allowed to flourish this entire time to prove digital currencies as a viable new option for a new global fiat.

You have to listen to words that are spoken and apply the same analogy to other stuff. Like when Pelosi argued against making government employees return to work because it would destroy their study in progress for the last three years on the viability and efficiency of home based employment. Until she mentioned it who knew they were even doing it. Same with bitcoin, you would definitely want to monitor how a digital currency would work for years before foisting it upon the masses. Even with what she was doing, the study on home based employment and the digital currency of Bitcoin and how a digital currency could be built all point to changes to occur under a reset.

You watch their actions and listen to their words in every conceivable fashion and analyze. Just like the mockery of the US military and all this lgbtq stuff, the US is showing them their sincere intent upon how as leaders they are better coming together to lead the world because that will make them stronger together. Two classes of haves and have nots. The western society cannot be competitive in a high priced middle class economy, the China model they've come to figure was the right model...segmented groups of haves and have not. Millions of people in western societies will have to become poorer. When leaders of the world come to the US they'll eventually see what takes place in many third world or authoritarian countries, whole ghettos of tent or shack encampments.

"Just like the mockery of the US military and all this lgbtq stuff, the US is showing them their sincere intent upon how as leaders they are better coming together to lead the world..."

You had me until the above. When I see two dogs fighting and one lays on it's back and bares it's underbelly, I don't interpret that as asserting dominance, or offering to share power.

It's submission.

Your right. Submission to the agenda. Maybe you'll find a more fined toothed conclusion to what I was saying in this comment I made earlier on another blog so I don't have to spend time writing another here.

Do I believe this will fold out to be problematic when it comes to vital materials needed to maintain a competitive or a superior military force? Yes I do. You only need to go visit the covid tracker map to see we are already under attack. It's only the western nations that are a hot bed of covid, the rest of the nations have a few sprinkled dots here and there with the exception of Japan and Hong Kong. (Need I say understandably) When you have world leaders realigning the power structures, to convince other nations you are serious in this realignment you need to prove you no longer feel compelled to be a singular dominant force in global hegemony, that's why they are making a total mockery of our military. Once again, if we go back over things Trump said it leads us to exactly where we are seeing them doing this re-alignment. He said that regional powers should play a more dominate role in their given regions. Meaning within regions power structures should be established to govern those specific regions. This is exactly what we are seeing play out, the realignment of those structures taking place. This is planned....because they are stronger together against the global populace when they work in cohesion of cooperative understanding, or how they like to word it, agreements of mutual understanding. Like Xi said the other day "“Now, there are changes that haven’t happened in 100 years. When we are together, we drive these changes.” They've come to the conclusion the world was at a stagnation point, as such the global economy and the way the system was working wouldn't/or couldn't continue to sustain itself. So by hook, crook or whatever means possible, including the removal of the old guard, they've come together to do whatever it took to drive the global economy in a complete different directions. "When WE are together" he said, listen to the US version, "WE are stronger together".

The whole comment in it's entirety can be found here:

Yes, it's their diversity of despots, with regional power centers, that makes them stronger as a whole against all of humanity, and the absence of nations of people, the forced diversity of the populations of countries, that weakens us, and makes all people more susceptible to their tyranny.

This is because our differences cause us to clash with each other, and our mutual antipathy and competition for local advantage make us all more vulnerable to despots who impose on us all their tyranny.