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RE: Going Out Shows How Physically and Mentally (Mind) Controlled Society Is

I did a report the other day that most (if not all testing) is not testing for the virus as they haven't gold standard isolated it. They are testing for exosomes, that can have many reasons for being present (including the flu). They are reporting as high as an 80% false positive rate due to the wide parameters being used.

In Boston, the mayor has announced a curfew. I can't believe there isn't a huge push back yet. Is he suggesting that the Corona is somehow more communicable at night when there are already less people about? I wouldn't be surprised if within a few weeks they begin saying that studies suggest if you report your neighbors for complying it offers some form of immunity from the Covid.


Exactly, just like Kaufman explained in the video I shared last week. Exosomes, like from fear, which the media is creating... lol.

LOL, that's an obvous authoritarian crackdown... virus more dangerous at night, not allowed to go out lol :P We knew ppl lack critical thinking, and this panic just confirms and amps it up.

Please don't upvote this, I get enough votes from you. I wanted to share my laugh. I really need to try to spend more time watching videos. I posted what may be the same video from Dr. Kaufman a few days ago after running across someone on Reddit talking shit about him. The video they linked to was from a truther who added his own commentary to the video. I tried downloading it but Youtube was blocking me. So, putting on my sleuth hat, I made note of the Dr from that video and tracked down his YouTube channel so I could download it to make a post on it. And the whole time it was already sitting in a post you had made I had perused, lmao.

I really wish I had more time for videos, but everyone seems to be using them now in their posts and would take me half a day to watch them all. Will have to really try to squeeze more of yours in. I could have watched his presentation days earlier, and I really appreciated how he used slides to explain it all.

They are getting all ready while we Quarantine ........... I have noticed strange lights in the eastern sky here and county trucks out in the neighborhood late at night.