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RE: The Fat Lady Sings

in Deep Dives4 years ago

This outcome was never in doubt (by me anyway).

The problem with the health care system isn't that it is for profit. The problem is it is for profit and the regulatory structure makes it so there is virtually no competition. For profit makes for the least expensive healthcare a relatively free market which we do not have. Certainly not in the helathcare world. Obamacare only made this worse by ensuring that in most markets, there were only one or two choices for insurance even if you could afford it. This problem started long before that and really goes back to when employer based insurance began.

But I digress... Once Biden got in the race I was convinced that he would be the choice of the DNC. It doesn't really matter what the voters think, the DNC was always going to ensure that he won. The GOP does the same thing...changing the rules as the go along in the nomination process. I'll be voting 3rd party again I'm sure, for all the good it will do.