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RE: Reality Again? Really?

in Deep Dives2 years ago

On the health stuff, i did receive neurosurgery and now drugs to manage it. :)

The means of production ARE publicly owned in the USA. Since 1798 they are merely rented out to people through what is called "property tax". That is, of course, if you serve the USA, if you use your property to make cheap insulin to provide for the poor you are not allowed to do that.

And, yes, it is very much in line with capitalism to want to provide for the poor. I like helping people and i like to know people are not starving. Thus, doing that does bring me psychic profit. Of course, youve never thought about nonfinancial or even immaterial profits becouse the state does not acknoledge those types of profit. Let me assure you that modern capitalist thought, espacialy austrian economic theories, do account for such immaterial profits.