Debunking Wayfair: Following the Money

in Deep Dives4 years ago

Last weekend the internet was abuzz with allegations that the exorbitant prices charged for their furniture was proof of child sex-trafficking. Along with that there were the names of the items matching names of missing children. The last, however, begs the question, what if more than one person orders a “Sabrina?” There is only one Sabrina, so how would they fill multiple orders. There was something that was just fishy about the whole story.

The more I investigated these allegations, the less evidence I found… what I found in its place was leaps of faith that no responsible researcher would involve themselves in, such as: The Wayfair facility in Florida was constructed using concrete furnished by Cemex -- which everyone probably remembers from Veterans on Patrol’s excellent work in the Tucson area a couple of years ago -- likely because it’s one of the five largest manufacturers of concrete in the world. This is not evidence of child sex-trafficking, or any collusion or conspiracy. I’m not saying that they’re not guilty, only that the evidence presented so far don’t support the allegations. I’m also not saying that Wayfair isn’t guilty of other crimes, for example money-laundering.

“Over the past week, a conspiracy theory about Wayfair selling children in cabinets took the internet by storm. Sadly, without giving it much thought, people took this unfounded claim and ran with it — distracting from actual, provable conspiracies. Selling expensive cabinets and shower curtains online does not mean one is trafficking children. What’s more, with the dark web available, who in their right mind would openly sell children — to the public — on the internet in storage cabinets. There is definitely something fishy going on with the $10,000 shower curtains — but it probably has more to do with a money laundering scheme, an internet joke by someone inside Wayfair, or something else besides openly selling children online. In the meantime, as Wayfair filled the digital airwaves, your taxpayer dollars went to bailing out churches, dozens of which covered up real and provable child sex abuse for decades, and barely anyone noticed.”

Internet joke or not, a look at Wayfair’s investors and associations brings up some interesting links, such as BlackRock investments who own over 3 million shares of Wayfair stock. Wayfair represents only one of a myriad of BlackRock’s investments, but those $14,000 storage cabinets and $10,000 pillows must be evidence of something amiss in the company, and if it isn’t child sex-trafficking, it’s likely money laundering. Furthermore, a look at BlackRock’s CEO Larry Fink is very telling, he’s been successful at staying under the radar, but managing a $4.7 trillion fund gives him a lot of power.

Fink was to be Treasury Secretary had Hillary won the 2016 election. “Goldman Sachs paid Hillary Clinton $675,000 for three speeches, but an even bigger Wall Street player stands ready to mold and enact her economic and financial policy if she becomes president.”

“BlackRock is far from a household name, but it is the largest asset management firm in the world, controlling $4.6 trillion in investor funds — about a trillion dollars more than the annual federal budget, and five times the assets of Goldman Sachs. And Larry Fink, BlackRock’s CEO, has assembled a veritable shadow government full of former Treasury Department officials at his company.”

“Fink’s most telling hire, however, is Cheryl Mills, arguably Clinton’s most trusted confidante. Mills was Clinton’s chief of staff at the State Department, was deputy White House counsel in the Bill Clinton administration, and is on the board of directors of the Clinton Foundation. Fink hired Mills for the BlackRock board of directors in October 2013, in what observers mused was a ploy to insinuate himself into the Clinton inner circle.”

If Wayfair is somehow involved in trafficking children for sex, it’s likely at the behest of the BlackRock connection to Clinton/Mills. But there’s a lot more to the Fink story, he was also tagged by the Trump administration to oversee the Federal Reserve's response to the COVID-19 bailouts and economic recovery.

“The mainstream financial press has been remarkably quiet about the Federal Reserve’s appointment (March 24) of BlackRock to manage its massive corporate debt purchase program in response to the Covid-19 crisis. That silence might have a simple explanation: you don’t slag your boss if you know what’s good for you.”

“BlackRock’s CEO Larry Fink may now be the most powerful man in the world, overseeing not just the Fed’s new (potentially $4.5 trillion) corporate slush-fund, but also managing $27 trillion of the global economy (even before the March appointment). As the world’s largest asset manager, BlackRock already was managing $7 trillion for its global corporate investor-clients, along with another $20 trillion for clients through its financial risk-monitoring software (called Aladdin).”

“The most powerful man in the world,” it bears repeating, especially in light of some of BlackRock’s less ethical associates such as George Soros, who needs no introduction. Clinton, Soros, BlackRock’s support of “environmental investments,” a catchphrase for support of climate change and “sustainability.” Whatever BlackRock invests in, they pretty much control (my own observation).

“With $27 trillion under various forms of its management, BlackRock towers over the finance, insurance and real estate sectors. This much consolidated financial power may be unprecedented, but with BlackRock involved in virtually every major corporation across the planet (including the media), even BlackRock’s competitors (if that word even applies) are quiet about Fink’s appointment.”

George Soros has boosted his holdings in BlackRock and despite his ideological leanings -- or perhaps because of them -- Soros is no foll when it comes to investing. Wherever the power is, so too is Soros.

“Soros Fund Management also dramatically boosted its shares in BlackRock — the world’s largest asset management firm, overseeing $6 trillion — by nearly 60 percent to 12,983 total shares in the second quarter.”

BlackRock and China

BlackRock is heavily invested in China, something that seems incongruent with their much publicized environmental standings -- China is one of the biggest polluters on the planet, something BlackRock seems willing to overlook when massive profits are on the line. They are a globalist organization that operates under the multinational corporate model… they don’t see borders, only profits.

“In a February speech to the National Governors Association, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo warned of Chinese officials bringing deals. Whether a governor is graded “friendly,” “hardline,” or “ambiguous” by the Communist Party of China, ‘know that it’s working you, know that it’s working the team around you,’ Pompeo told the governors. ‘It affects our capacity to perform America’s vital national security functions.’ The Chinese government has been methodical in the way it has analyzed our system and assessed our vulnerabilities. ‘Today they have free rein in our system, and we’re completely shut out from theirs.’”!

It is in the interest of BlackRock and their investors to see that the CCP regime in Beijing stays in place, something threatened by Donald Trump’s America First program. This begs the question, why did Trump pick Larry Fink to oversee the COVID-19/Federal Reserve financial response to the plandemic? I realize I’ve digressed from the Wayfair story, but there’s a lot more to this story.

"BlackRock advises central banks, financial ministries, big investors like state funds, pension funds, insurance companies and foundations," said Buchter. Tapping into these bonds and stocks, they invest in firms around the world. "There is pretty much nothing in the financial market that Blackrock is not somehow involved in."

And that includes Ukraine and the money-laundering going on there. Through the Franklin-Templeton Fund and subsequently BlackRock, both Adam Schiff and Joe Biden are involved in money-laundering through a man named Tom Donilon. 

"’The son of Templeton's founder, John Templeton Jr., was one of President Obama's major campaign donors. Another fund-related character is Thomas Donilon. Managing Director of BlackRock Investment Institute, shareholder Franklin Templeton Investments, which has the largest share in the fund. It is noteworthy that he previously was Obama's national security advisor, Derkach said.”

Adam Schiff is also involved with both Franklin-Templeton and BlackRock. “Documentation of the financial records of Congressman Adam Schiff reveals a financial link between the congressman and the Burisma/U.S.-Ukraine corruption scandal.”

“The State Department Watch released a financial disclosure for Schiff with a filing year of 2015 and filing date of May 15, 2017.”

“The annual report shows assets, unearned income and dividends for Schiff. Records include those of both BlackRock and Franklin Templeton; two companies that were announced to be part of the Burisma/US-Ukraine corruption claim.”

"Democrat Adam Schiff is linked to both US corporations named in the $7.4 BILLION corruption case.  Schiff is connected to both BlackRock and Franklin Templeton Investments, two companies that were named in the $7.4B Burisma/US-Ukraine corruption claim."

"Ukrainian members of parliament have demanded the presidents of Ukraine and the United States, Volodymyr Zelensky and Donald Trump, investigate suspicions of the legalization of $7.4 billion by the “family” of ex-President Viktor Yanukovych through Black Rock California Mutual Income and Franklin Templeton Mutual Shares Fund which they said have ties to the U.S. Democratic Party."

The BlackRock California Mutual INcome and it’s ties to China is a story worthy of itself. People tend to look at all of these issues as separate and fail to see the big picture -- they’re all part of the same thing, the globalist takeover. Black Budgets, arms sales, child and human trafficking, drugs, money-laundering -- even the Iran nuclear deal, is all part of the funding mechanism to achieve the same goal, world communism using the Chinese model and run by the global elites. Is Wayfair a part of this? Possibly, but most likely as a money-laundering operation, and a very small part at that considering the size and scope of BlackRock’s financial empire. BlackRock has become a financial world power, much like a country unto itself, a country with no borders but encroaches on the borders of sovereign nations it wishes to encompass. This is why it has attached itself to Hillary Clinton through Larry Fink and Joe Biden through the Donilons.

“Michael Donilon has been Senior Adviser to Joe Biden since 1981. Donilon heads Joe Biden’s Campaign for President. Mike also heads the Biden Institute at the University of Delaware. Donilon has played key roles in the Presidential campaigns of every Democratic nominee since President Bill Clinton.”

Brother Tom Donilon is a high-level executive at BlackRock, the dots aren’t very difficult to connect.

Tom’s wife is Cathy Russell.

Tom and Cathy have been Joe and Jill Biden’s handlers too.

Tom Donilon is:

  • Chairman of the Board of BlackRock and

  • Senior Attorney “Of Counsel” at the international law firm of O’Melvney & Myers LLP

Tom Donilon also:

  • chaired the National Security Council, a cabinet position

  • at the core of the Arab Spring operation that resulted in the takeover of Libya and Benghazi

  • was responsible for President Obama’s policies that expanded NATO

What should be obvious by now is that BlackRock is operating the biggest globalist slush fund in history. They are ensconced in the politica of both parties, one perhaps more than the other, but given the corrupt culture of Washington it’s hard to say. With slush funds of this size, money laundering plays a vital role and who better to handle it than a transnational investment firm where funds can be commingled. Who can possibly discern if one of the companies whose funds they handle got it through legitimate methods, arms sales, child sex-trafficking, organ harvesting, or perhaps a mixture?

In May of this year, Wayfair appointed Hillary friend and supporter Andrea Jung to their board of directors. Given Hillary’s experience with child trafficking, this is far more damning that any of the “evidence” previously submitted… but once again, proof of nothing. Granted, something fishy is going on there, if I had to guess, money laundering for BlackRock, which I would estimate puts them in the same class as many other businesses under the control of the investment giant BlackRock.

One thing we learned from Pizzagate/Pedogate, thanks to the efforts of Veterans on Patrol and scores of independent journalists, is that pedophilia runs rampant in the corridors of power and that many corporations, politicians, and even government agencies are complicit. Wherever a dirty dollar to be made, be it from child sex-trafficking, arms sales, organ harvesting, drugs etc. organizations such as the Clinton Foundation, BlackRock, USAID, DynCorp, and the Red Cross, are there to cash in. Whether Wayfair is a part of this despicable business still remains to be seen.



When you can get 100k for one kidney, you don't sell a kid with two of them for 10k.
That is what clued me in.
I agree, probably money laundering, or payoffs to the boss.

Thank you! Just like with Pizzagate, there's a lot more going on here than meets the eye.

I still think that what we needed to learn from pizzagate was how easy it is to build a bizarre story out of evidence of real wrongdoing plus some major leaps in logic.

I have no doubt that there's some shakt business going on... I just haven't seen one scintilla of what I'd judge to be evidence.