Edward Bernays, the CIA, Tavistock Institute, and Social Engineering

in Deep Dives3 years ago


Edward Bernays, the nephew of Sigmund Freud, is considered the “father of public relations,” public relations being the watered-down euphemism for propaganda, Bernays’ real specialty. It can be said, without fear of contradiction, that without Bernays the CIA and Tavistock’s counterculture experiment of the 1960s would never have come to fruition. This is a follow up to my last article that explores the roots of MKUltra writ large.

Tavistock Institute was established in the wake of WWI to research the effects of “shell shock” or “battle fatigue” and the trauma of war (now PTSD) on soldiers. What they found was that trauma is a viable and effective means of mind control. But trauma in itself is not enough to complete a mind control program. It may work effectively on individuals, but much more is necessary to control the minds of an entire nation. Trauma is an effective key to ready a nation, for example the Kennedy assassination, but psychology-based social engineering is crucial for completing the task. This is where people like Edward Bernays, his uncle Sigmund Freud and others such as BF Skinner and Benjamin Spock come in. The younger the target, the more profound the influence. Taking over the public school system was also necessary, replacing critical thinking with social indoctrination.

Edward Bernays and Propaganda

“Edward Bernays, known as the father of modern marketing and propaganda – the man who changed Western culture and American politics by changing the way people think. He perfected the science of getting people to do things they previously did not want to do by changing their perceptions, desires, and even their values. If we hope to avoid falling under the spell of these techniques, we first must understand them.”


What Bernays knew was group psychology, also known in academic circles as social relations. Social relations became a fundamental part of CIA operations under Dr. Henry Murray, Dr. Michael Maccoby, Erich Fromm, BF Skinner, and others, many from Nazi Germany after WWII under Project Paperclip. The use of psychology in social engineering cannot be understated. Bernays and Freud were natural fits at Tavistock Institute where the globalist plan for domination through social control has been designed and implemented for nearly a century. Bernays, dubbed the “father of public relations,” wrote in his 1928 book Propaganda:

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. … We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. … In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons … who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.”


In other words it is up to a small group of elites to force conformity (“cooperation”) upon the general population for the “common good.” Individuality and critical thought must be eliminated for the “mechanism” to operate properly.

“Propaganda techniques are now the province of a melding between outsourced PR companies and lobbying groups and the Top Secret actions of military PSYOPS which use highly sophisticated methods of media manipulation and electronic warfare to influence mass consciousness. It is common to misunderstand the nature of belief in 21st Century America and the level of socio-cultural engineering which has occurred since the early 1930s. The media’s role has been crucial in weaving an official story which has little connection to facts on the ground. Carefully selected words and images obliterate objective reality, something which one man knew very well indeed. Much of these initial techniques were drawn from Edward Bernays’ insights and taken to stratospheric levels.”


One of the more prominent of these PR companies is Hill & Knowlton who I wrote extensively about in previous articles. It was H&K who launched the PR campaign that swayed public opinion in favor of the first Gulf War with the tearful young woman who testified to Congress about babies being torn from incubators and left to die on cold floors. As it turned out, she was the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador who had never been in one of the hospitals where these atrocities had allegedly occurred -- it was all made up to elicit a certain response, quite successfully I might add.

“Edward Louis Bernays was a pioneer in the manipulation of the mass mind. His techniques have been used by successive governments, oppressive regimes, advertising agencies and intelligence agencies the world over. With a mix of concepts inspired by the psychology of Gustave Le Bon, Wilfred Trotter and his uncle Sigmund Freud he became known as the “the father of public relations” and the darling of the Establishment. “Propaganda” would morph into “Public Relations” under Bernays’ definition. The man himself appeared to lack any conscience or sense of responsibility for his experiments and willingly sold his ideas to the highest bidder, whether they were an aspiring despot or corporate racketeer. His influences from psychoanalysis and  B.F. Skinner’s behaviourism meant that he saw manipulation as a necessity in society. He saw ordinary people as part of a wild and selfish group-mind that needed to be controlled, preferably by Elite stewards who could steer society in a “superior” direction of their choosing.”


Another figure that bears mention is Abraham Maslow whose need hierarchy has been largely debunked. Although he failed to correctly  identify the needs, both physical and psychological, his model is valid -- human beings do indeed have a need hierarchy. If you factor in Freud’s observation -- correct or otherwise -- that all human psychology is sexually based -- at the apex of the need hierarchy is necessarily the need to reproduce. Sex, or the need for it, is one of the prime motivating factors of human existence and of great use for social engineers.

“One of Bernays techniques was the “third-party authority” whereby traditionally independent and trusted members of society are bought and paid for by PR firms to promote a particular product or political spin for their clients. If a doctor, scientist, or journalist gives their seal of approval then the public is more likely to believe what is being said. Although nowadays the public is a little more savvy and cynical regarding these basic methods, in previous years it proved extremely successful for a range of products. The third party technique is obviously still employed though with much greater subterfuge, where government or corporate clients will often keep their PR and lobbying connections hidden from prying eyes – the money involved is often too seductive to declare these conflicts of interest.”


To money, sexual favors can be added as a further incentive to keep nefarious acts from the public eye. In fact sexual blackmail is one of the most effective control mechanisms among the elites, in some circles a prerequisite for membership. Prostitution isn’t called the world’s oldest profession for nothing, predating banking by millennia. Sex as a form of manipulation is one of the few things Freud got right. Another thing Freud got right was the use of fear.

“The instinct of fear as a linchpin of Freudian thought was integral to Bernay’s methods. He believed it was key to the success of propaganda techniques and urged the US government to ratchet up the fear quota in relation to communism so that the public would become more compliant and malleable to suggestion. He was employed by marketing and advertising companies as well as celebrities, charities and government agencies. Soap, perfume, cigarettes and commerce were all used as an experimental testing ground which proved time and again to be successful in predicting and leading public desires to prearranged outcomes.”


Bernays, Tavistock, and the Council on Foreign Relations

Tavistock Institute is closely aligned with the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), the British counterpart of the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR), both controlled and funded by the Rothschild/Rockefeller diaspora including the Federal Reserve. Bernays was a part of this through his relationship with the Woodrow Wilson administration.

“Working for the Woodrow Wilson government he was yet another rising star to attend the infamous Paris Peace Conference in 1919 along with all the other World government advocates, international bankers and industrialist families who would later go on to form the Council on Foreign Relations, the Federal Reserve, and the House of Rothschilds’ Round Table Group. Bernays was crucial to the development and formation of social engineering that would be tested on the American people. It was to be the same promotion of the “scientific technique” underpinned by psychoanalysis, the hub of which was found at the Tavistock Institute in England.”


This is a bit misleading, the Rothschild Round Table Group is actually the Milner Round Table Group, the successor to the Cecil Rhodes Round Table. Rhodes was a part of the Rothschild diaspora, leaving his enormous mining operations in Africa to the Oppenheimers, a part of the Rothschild family. The politically based Round Table was taken over by Lord Milner at the time of Rhodes’ death. Either way, it is all part of the Rothschild/Rockefeller banking dynasty and globalist regime. One of the first joint ventures into manipulating public opinion was the effort to embroil the US in WWI.

“The manipulation of the American public saw great strides under Bernays and his colleagues, CFR man Walter Lippmann, and media magnate Lords Rothmere (Harold Harmsworth) and Lord Northcliffe. The latter individuals were employed by Britain’s War Propaganda Bureau otherwise.known as Wellington House founded in 1913 and named after the Duke of Wellesley. His task was to assist in the preparation of the American mind to accept and support entry into the First World War. Brainstorming sessions took place where the main target of propaganda operations were young working class men who were required to become machine-gun and cannon fodder on the fields of Flanders and the Somme, all of which was unknown to the American public.”


The funding came from the British Royal Family, the Rockefellers, and later the Rothschilds. Also involved was the Fabian Society and Milner’s Round Table Group, all drawing on Bernays’ expertise in mass manipulation. This was the beginning of the model used to this day.

“The funding came firstly, from the British Royal Family, Rockefeller family trusts and several years later from the Rothschilds, to whom Lord Rothmere was related by marriage.  As the members of the board had links to Lord Milner’s Oxford set, the Round Table group, the Fabian Society, the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers, the formation of “mass brainwashing” meant that Bernays and his set of skills was employed directly in the service of the Establishment’s emerging Pathocrats. The tripartite relations of the arms industry, banking and Elite designs is a lucrative ideological and geopolitical formula that have defined the financial architecture up to the present day.”


In Britain Tavistock, under the direction of John Rawlings-Reese, focused on the effects of extreme trauma on soldiers returning from WWI while in America Bernays worked with the Wilson administration on controlling public opinion.

“In 1921, the ideology of Woodrow Wilson’s handlers met the Duke of Bedford, Marquis of Tavistock, the 11th Duke, who gave a building to the Institute to study the effect of shell-shock on British soldiers who survived World War I. The British Army Bureau of Psychological Warfare sent for Sir John Rawlings-Reese who was given the job of discovering the threshold or “breaking point” of men under severe stress. This was the official starting point, but the ambitions of the Institute were far broader.  Edward Bernays helped to spread Freud’s theories into the USA while assisting the rise of a particular brand of corporatism and social science based on the same. His books Crystallizing Public Opinion (1923) and Propaganda (1928) became bibles of manipulation in business and government circles alike, spawning the growth of Public Relations in Europe and America.”


One of the key psychologists at Tavistock in the early days was German-born Kurt Lewin of Harvard, MIT, and UMichigan . Lewin took the reins at Tavistock in 1932 and went on to foment psychological warfare for the Office of Strategic Services during WWII. “German-born Dr. Kurt Lewin became director of Tavistock in 1932. He went on to set up the Harvard Psychology Clinic, which worked closely with Edward Bernays’ propaganda campaign to make the American mind amenable to war with Germany. A ratline of psychologists began to create a conduit between the US and UK. By 1937, Wellington House had transferred operations to the Tavistock Clinic which became the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations in 1946.”


In the post-WWII era Lewin returned to Harvard where he mentored Henry A Murray who had worked with OSS during the war doing a psychological profile of Hitler and was also an integral part of repatriating Nazi “social scientists” to America under Project Paperclip. He also established a CIA consortium of psychologists that included Michael Maccoby, Erich Fromm, BF Skinner and others.

Lewin, along with Sidney Gottlieb and Canadian psychiatrist Dr. Ewen Cameron at the now infamous Allan Memorial Institute in Montreal  became the architects of the CIA MKUltra program. Tavistock Institute has been a part of the social engineering of America from the beginning, as has Edward Bernays. Although we generally associate MKUltra with the CIA experiments in the US and Canada under Cameron, Tavistock began conducting experiments as early as 1922 on soldiers from WWI to determine their “breaking point.” The fundamentals of trauma-based mind control depend on a key; some traumatic event or events that leaves the individual vulnerable, thus malleable to the social engineers.

For mass manipulation, the same principle applies. A key triggers the Problem - Reaction - Solution process. The Problem (the key) is usually a false flag event such as the Kennedy assassination, or 9/11, this triggers the Reaction, fear/displacement -- displacement in this context is a feeling of confusion due in part to a defragmentation of a person’s reality.  The fear and threat to the person’s reality drives them to demand a Solution, generally turning to the government or the elites who are happy to fill the void. Displacement, in psychological terms is generally defined as: Displacement effects theory states that the human mind has a defense mechanism which involuntarily displaces the effects from an individual or anything which are felt unacceptable to another situation which the mind distinguished more acceptable. ... The displacement effect acts like a cycle.


www.communicationtheory.org › displacement-effect-the.

“The founding members of the Tavistock Institute were dispatched across the world stage to tweak social and political policy. Brigadier John Rawlings Rees was psychiatrist to Rudolph Hess, Adolf Hitler’s deputy whilst Ronald Hargreaves became deputy director of the World Health Organization (WHO)."

"As another round of economic destabilisation was required as per the “break and make” formula, World War II loomed into view and the same techniques were employed. The key to this success was to place undue emphasis on the irrationality of the human mind; to elevate this “natural human flaw” to a level that was abnormal in the public consciousness, so much so, that we would all come to believe that this made up a large proportion of the human condition This implanted conditioning meant that it became easier and easier to manipulate through an array of Pavlovian distractions. In combination with the Hegelian formula, human psychology was like putty in the controllers’ hands.”


Similar experiments to those at Tavistock were conducted in concentration camps by individuals such as Dr. Josef Mengele, also seeking the breaking point of human beings. This data was used later in the MKUltra experiments in the US and became a basis for the mass manipulation of societies.

"Tavistock was at the centre of the Nazi elite exodus after of the war and acted as the lab for the continuation of Nazi experimentation in psychology already advanced in wartime Germany through the discoveries of Josef Mengele  in the concentration camps. Tavistock gave the psychological foundation for the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) the precursor to CIA, which continued to work from Tavistock guidelines."


Tavistock on behalf of the Rothschild/Rockefeller diaspora was also responsible for the introduction of Freudian sexual psychology in the effort to undermine traditional Judeo-Christian values and to destroy the nuclear family, the two biggest roadblocks to global domination.

“The Rockefeller impetus to shape the sexual behaviour of Britain and America stemmed from their meetings with their members at the Tavistock Institute. By inverting sexual and social mores, weakening the public’s ability to think critically and breaking down the family unit, ethics and the concept of the sacred, new forms of mass identity and psychological states of mind were inculcated which would best serve the Elite.”


This was accomplished for the most part during the 1960s after the assassination of JFK left America vulnerable. It was accomplished by the introduction of the Beatles and other British rock bands which American bands immediately began to emulate. The CIA and their LSD/counterculture/ sexual revolution completed the program. America had become “cool” to the detriment of traditional society. Cultural Marxism driven by academics such as Herbert Marcuse invaded academia turning universities into Marxist indoctrination centers. Pop culture, with all of its anti-American values supplanted traditional values.

“Cultural Marxism conjoined with psychoanalysis, and psychodynamics would eventually be used as part of the National Security State, from MK-ULTRA to present day torture techniques in a variety of rendition nations. Freudian psychology would form the basis of a mass defragmentation of character by implanting new socio-sexual “norms” and the introduction of the LSD “counter-culture” fused with New Age psychedelia. A distinctly Kinseyian “revolution” became not so much about love but a mechanistic tool for gratification which further eroded meaning, male and female identity and the proliferation of tribal labels and groupings. The net result was confusion, nihilism, narcissism and the consequent loss of meaning in society. And all that meant populations much easier to control in the face of rising fields of information.”


Tavistock Institute evolved after 1946 into a network of think tanks that include many of America’s most prestigious universities and research facilities including Harvard, Yale, MIT, the University of Michigan, the Stanford Research Institute and many others. Some of their social engineers are household names that include: “Freud, Jung, Adler, Melanie Klein, Wilfred Bion, Edward Bernays, Eric Trist, A.K. Rice, Eric Miller, Aldous Huxley, R.D. Laing, and more.

Kurt LewinTavistock sent German-born psychologist, Kurt Lewin, to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1945 to establish the Research Center for Group Dynamics. In the United States, Lewin is the founder of ‘Social Psychology.’ The Center moved to the University of Michigan in 1948 where it became the Institute for Social Research, and continued to co-opt legitimate psychosocial research and exploit mass psychology. By then, the original Clinic became part of Britain’s National Health  Service.”


John Rawlings-Reese, one of Tavistock’s founders, disclosed the plan for domination: “Public life, politics and industry should all … be within our sphere of influence…If we are to infiltrate the professional and social activities of other people I think we must imitate the Totalitarians and organize some kind of fifth column activity! We must aim to make it permeate every educational activity in our national life … We have made a useful attack upon a number of professions. The two easiest of them naturally are the teaching profession and the Church: the two most difficult are law and medicine.”


Tavistock and the globalist elites they represent are the Totalitarians Reese describes, and they have been very successful. People tend to look at events in isolation, but they are all a part of a plan laid out generations ago. The violence, rioting and looting, the COVID-19 scamdemic, and the election fraud are all part of a plan to destroy America and impose a global order with China replacing America as the global superpower. Joe Biden and the Democrats, along with their RINO allies, are in the process of seeing this plan through to fruition. If they’re not stopped now, America as we know it will cease to exist. Look for more lockdowns, mandatory vaccinations, and mask mandates until the plan is complete. America has been programmed for decades to trust their government and news media -- trust that has been eroded. People are awakening from their Tavistock-induced slumber. Now is the time to act. If we wait, all will be lost!


Another brilliant read and I never get bored of hearing about good-old uncle Ed :) (Where would we be without him...?)

Thanks! Ed and Tavistock are two of my favorite targets.

This is excellent!!!!!
I have long been leery of the field of psychology, but only recently could see the wrong-ness of our obsession with sexuality. Here, you explain my suspicions beautifully:

“The Rockefeller impetus to shape the sexual behaviour of Britain and America stemmed from their meetings with their members at the Tavistock Institute. By inverting sexual and social mores, weakening the public’s ability to think critically and breaking down the family unit, ethics and the concept of the sacred, new forms of mass identity and psychological states of mind were inculcated which would best serve the Elite.”

And that's just one of the many things you expose here. Brilliant. Thank you for being one of our creative thinkers and doers, a protector of creation. There are more and more of us. I count myself among you, but I do it mostly via poetry. Please go read some of it!

Thank you! It was psychologists that were behind Hitler's racial purity program too. The therapeutic community has done untold damage to humanity. I look forward to reading ypur poetry.

Yes I see it now. And most of my friends are high falutin' shrinks.
Brilliant, the eugenicists and you.


Important refresher on HOW WE GOT HERE!

TY @richq11, I was recently reminding a close associate of the existence of Bernays and Tavistock. Mind the HIVE Bruv!

Screenshot 2020-11-09 at 6.44.15 PM.png

Thank you my friend. I don't know about anybody else but since the HF I can barely get Hive to work. I tried to reply yesterday but it wouldn't work.