George Soros: A Blight on the American Political Landscape Part 5

in Deep Dives4 years ago

Relax! Isn’t the NWO just a bad dream?

By: Richard J. Quitliano
Editorialist & NewsHawk

The Face of the New World Order

WASHINGTON, DC (@ZENINEWS) — There are many who would arguably call George Soros the face of the New World Order although the NWO has many faces, Barack Obama, Bill Gates, and others. There are other faces as well, less known except to people who bother to do the research — these are the real faces, those who stay hidden behind the curtains of power, the ones who pull the strings of government, the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Warburgs, and Schiffs, the international banking families who wield the real power. To them the Soros, Obamas, and Gates are mere errand boys who possess enough power to get things done but never enough to challenge the real power brokers.

If you want to know who’s really behind the riots you need to look there, behind the curtain. These are the people that own the Federal Reserve and will be financing the rebuilding of America’s broken cities — for a handsome profit one might add. These are the people that own Wall St and the banking cartels. Soros and Obama provide the boots on the ground, funding, and organization for America’s takeover but the global elites that have been there for at least two centuries hold the real power.

But this is not to say that Soros doesn’t wield great power, he just doesn’t wield ultimate power in the sense that the Rothschild/Rockefeller diaspora do. Soros’ task is to take down Donald Trump by any means necessary and true to form he calls on his myriad of organizations to get the job done.

“Multi-billionaire, America hater George Soros — the public face of the New World Order — has issued fresh instructions to his minions that underscore Soros’ growing fear of President Trump. “If things keep going this way, Trump is going to get re-elected. So we’ve decided to take emergency action,” MoveOn wrote to their deep state disciples. All their efforts will be focused like a laser on one thing, President Donald Trump’s response to the pandemic. [Link]”1

As the Obamagate conspiracy unfolds and the noose tightens around Obama’s neck, Soros and his black-clad ANTI-fa thugs have joined with Obama’s BLM and AmeriCorps grads, recent prison releasees, and other useful idiots to destroy America’s cities. The only ones not affected are those at the top of the pyramid. The ones to whom President Trump and American patriots represent a clear and present danger. ANTI-fa and the other useful idiots are merely cannon fodder.

“The minions of Soros’ mini-empire of political and anti-American organizations are terrified of Trump and his “America First” populism. As with the far-left Democratic-Socialist Party and the mysterious and powerful Deep State oligarchs, when they hear the words “Make America Great Again” it shows how far they still must go to create their utopian – or dystopian — New World Order.”2

This New World Order is structured to enhance the wealth and power of Soros and the global elites. The Democrat-Socialists and their RINO compatriots get to maintain their illusion of power — while profiting at the expense of their own rank and file — and business goes on as usual. And it isn’t only the Democrats taking money from Soros. In 2016 several high-ranking Republicans were on the Soros payroll as well. These 14 prominent Republicans in Congress got contributions from Soros:

Paul Ryan (R-WI) – $10,800
Lindsey Graham (R-SC) – $3,500
Jeb Bush (R) – $2,700
John Kasich (R) – $2,700
Marco Rubio (R) – $2,700
John Boehner (R) – $2,600
Joe Heck (R-NY) – $2,500
John McCain (R-AZ) – $2,500
Ed Royce (R-CA) – $2,500
Carlos Curbelo (R-FL) – $1,000
Chuck Grassley (R-IA) – $1,000
Ron Johnson (R-WI) – $1,000
Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) – $1,000
Dan Donovan (R-NY) – $3003
A couple of things worth noting: First, Soros doesn’t give away money without getting something in return. Second, and perhaps more troubling, Lindsey Graham is chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee and Marco Rubio is interim chair of the Senate Intel Committee. It would be a mistake to underestimate the power of people like Soros, but the people behind him are a much bigger threat. This “machine” has many moving pieces, Soros and his myriad of organizations are an important cog but ultimately they serve a higher — or lower — power.

People like Soros come and go, but the powers behind him — the international banking families — are here to stay, perhaps. Trump and his populism represent an awakening, one that threatens these bastions of power that have been in place for centuries. These are the people behind the Russian Revolution, Hitler, both World Wars, and they’re behind the current violence that has spread internationally. They’re also the ones behind China and the COVID-19 outbreak, managed by Bill Gates and the WHO. They own the media conglomerates that Soros “controls.” Ultimately, Soros is just a manager.

Much of the impetus behind this latest false flag, the murder of George Floyd, stems from Trump’s effective handling of the COVID-19 outbreak. Meant as an attack on Trump, it has only bolstered his popularity, and his poll numbers as well, something that has driven Soros, the Democrats, the MSM, and the other “moving parts” into a full-blown panic. One dynamic is critical to understand — the powers behind Soros have funded both sides of every conflict since the Napoleonic Wars, until now. Unlike the other conflicts, Trump can’t be controlled, and neither can what he represents, American populism. They have awoken the sleeping giant and their only option is to destroy America. After destroying the economy, Americans became more resolute, violence became the globalists’ only tool left.

“MoveOn noted that “voters are rallying to their leader, while Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders have almost completely disappeared from the news.” It’s also been evident that the news outlets Trump routinely declares are “the Fake News” are being recognized as the propaganda arm of the Deep State and it explains why even during the most hectic news days that denigrates President Trump, his popularity poll numbers are above 50 percent. These days of international pandemic have shown Americans how dishonest and biased against Trump the members of the press can be.”

“Their efforts have only made their enemy stronger. Once again, in the face of the violence across America Trump’s leadership prevails. “The George Soros followers are becoming even more deranged since Trump’s poll numbers climbed during this crisis, and his approval rating is now as high or almost as high as Barack Obama’s was at the same point in his presidency. Soros knows that he’s leading an uphill battle to a victorious result.”4

Soros and the Globalist Coup

As I said before, this globalist “machine” has a lot of moving parts, all of which are interconnected. They include Soros, Obama, and the Democrats, members of the bureaucracy, members of the intel community, and others both inside and outside government — all working for the bankster cartel, the Rothschild/Rockefeller diaspora. The Rothschilds represent the European (UK) branch and the Rockefellers the American branch.

Integral to this cabal’s plot are the intel communities, MI-6, and GCHQ in the UK and the CIA in America. As we’ve explored in other articles, the intel community works hand in hand with the mainstream media, the CIA in particular. The coup against President Trump is the product of agents within the intel community and members of the media, one, in particular, is Fusion GPS with ties to the intel community (including FBI), Washington elites, and Soros.

“Elder Patriot – The Democracy Integrity Project (TDIP) was founded by Daniel Jones, a former staffer to Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), on January 31, 2017. It is organized as a Washington-based nonprofit. TDIP is essentially a multimillion-dollar stealth campaign ostensibly focused on trying to rehabilitate the discredited Steele dossier for partisan political purposes.”

“Its primary objective is to persuade major media outlets and lawmakers that President Trump should be impeached.”5

Jones was an assistant for Sen. Dianne Feinstein, a member of the Gang of Eight who leaked information from the Steele dossier to Comey and others to discredit President Trump. One of those to receive information was Fusion GPS — and Soros.

“… on March 16, 2017, Daniel Jones — himself a team member of Fusion GPS, self-described former FBI agent and, as we now know from the media, an ex-Feinstein staffer — met with my lawyer, Adam Waldman, and described Fusion as a “shadow media organization helping the government,” funded by a “group of Silicon Valley billionaires and George Soros.” My lawyer testified these facts to the Senate Intelligence Committee on Nov. 3.”

And Soros, as we all know, works for the people behind the curtain pulling the strings. Although the situation is complex, the goal of the globalists is not — this, along with the current violence, is all part of an attempt to squash President Trump and his populist movement. Trump’s populism has led to the “great awakening,” something that spells doom for Soros and the globalists as their perfidy becomes exposed. This is no longer about liberal vs. conservative but good vs. evil, and evil is in peril of losing and Soros has become the face of that evil — the NWO.

Now the globalists are down to their final option, violence, and it’s being perpetrated by globalist puppets George Soros and Barack Obama.

“The riots raging across the US today are no different than every riot and civil unrest incident that has taken place since the Ferguson riots with respect to the fact that all of them are organized and planned incidents. Since 2014, all have been financed by billionaire George Soros and orchestrated and executed by Barack Obama.”6

As stated in yesterday’s article, Soros may control the purse-strings, but he doesn’t have the power to “call up the troops” that Obama has been building since taking office. Soros is just another cog in the wheel, an important cog, but a cog nonetheless. He, like Obama, can be replaced. The real enemies are the ones behind the curtain pulling the strings, the ones who have traditionally won regardless of who is in power. Trump and his army of patriots present a real and present danger — think about it — in the past, they’ve been patient, they could wait out the Trump presidency and pick up where they left off… Unless there is something immediate that threatens their centuries-old empire. What could be so threatening that they would have to resort to burning down America?

The answer is you — you have the power to change the world — use it.