If You Love America (or Donald Trump) --- You Might Be a Domestic Terrorist

in Deep Dives3 years ago


Former president Donald Trump has launched a new social media platform which should, as the Jan 6 riots have proven, should come with a warning label -- Caveat Emptor. Trump may have, either wittingly or otherwise, become a stalking horse for Biden’s ideological DOJ and their penchant for targeting patriots, not to mention also becoming a haven for trolls, “fact checkers” and the cancel culture.

Trump’s platform will make it much easier for Google and their cohorts -- Silicon Valley’s tech giants -- to track down Trump supporters and other “enemies of the state” for future persecution of one sort or another. In the same way that The Party and DOJ targeted participants of the Jan. 6 Trump rally -- with the exception of Antifa/BLM provocateurs -- they will use this social media platform as a surveillance vehicle to target, harass, and excoriate dissenters.

Trump and his social media platform, however, are just a small part of something much larger and far more insidious -- the takeover of America by hostile forces both within and outside of the US government. I’ve written as nauseum about how the global elites use corporations, foundations, NGOs, and the UN, along with The Party being behind the Covid scamdemic and the vaccine passports. These “passports” will be the key to rooting out dissent and determine who can and cannot function within society -- but not the only key. Democrat Rep. Stephanie Murphy (FL) has introduced H.R. 353 which all but makes criticism of the government illegal.

This bill requires the Office of Personnel Management to revise Standard Form 86 (Questionnaire for National Security Positions) to specifically include questions regarding an individual's (1) affiliation with organizations or movements that spread conspiracy theories and false information about the U.S. government, and (2) participation in the activities that occurred at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, or in similar activities.


Being labeled a domestic terrorist these days can mean almost anything, from shunning mandatory mask laws or criticizing vaccines to merely supporting the Constitution. If you disagree with The Party’s official narrative you fit the bill. This is tyranny, making the US government essentially no different than the USSR or Nazi Germany. Dissent is one of the fundamental principles upon which America was founded, a bulwark against the sort of tyranny we are now seeing inculcated into our systems of both politics and justice.

George W Bush signed into law the Patriot Act in 2003, a piece of legislation written almost a decade earlier in 1995 by Joe Biden and others, an act that seriously limited the rights of US citizens in an effort “to keep us safe.” During his tenure as president Barack Obama signed the NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) that allowed the murder of civilians including American citizens living abroad if they were thought to be “terrorists,” among other increased limits on our civil rights. Now Biden and the Justice Department -- specifically the FBI -- is taking it one step further.

“Now that we have an identified “domestic terror” problem one should expect at a minimum a massive increase in surveillance of innocent citizens couple with arbitrary arrests and incarcerations. Indeed, the process is already well underway with FBI Director Christopher Wray announcing that there are several thousand terror “cases” under development. There will also be increasing calls to take away guns and to control what is allowed to appear on the internet. Soon Americans will have nothing to measure their remaining liberties by and will be less free to exercise rights including free speech, possibly dramatically so.”

“Be that as it may, the Biden Administration thinks it knows exactly who the enemy is. The government already has a working definition of a domestic terrorist, i.e. ‘If you advocate violence as a tool to further political ends, and take concrete steps to do that, you’re a terrorist.’ But if you thought that included groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter (BLM) you would be wrong. For the Biden Administration it is the stereotyped right-wing extremist, who, among other attributes, is represented by the media and government as coming from the class that Hillary Clinton once described as ‘deplorables.’”


The purpose of Biden and his DOJ is abundantly clear, if you disagree with government policies -- The Party in other words -- you’re a domestic terrorist. In the world of totalitarianism there is no room for dissent or for anyone that stands against The Party. We are well on our way to a one-party system mimicking that of communist China. Under a one-party system if you should criticize The Party you do so at your own peril. This is one reason the Democrats are pushing gun control (read: confiscation) legislation. Trump’s social media platform will simplify keeping track of anyone questioning the official narrative. “So, it seems pretty clear that the Biden Administration is now preparing to go after the people that it objects to and will create new laws as necessary to do so.”

The attack on patriots, also dubbed “white supremacists,” has been picked up by the UN with Secretary General Antonio Guterres accusing them of exploiting the “Covid pandemic” as a means of garnering support. In other words is someone doesn’t subscribe to the official Covid narrative or questions the safety of the “vaccines,” they too are a domestic terrorist or white supremacist. Personally, I have great difficulty making a link between white supremacy in any form and the Covid narrative. The two have absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with one another. But what are inconvenient facts when you’re trying to elicit a hysterical emotional reaction. Most propaganda contains at least a scintilla of truth, but this is absurd -- a sad testimonial about the mental state of people who actually believe it.

Guterres goes on to say: “White supremacy and neo-Nazi movements are more than domestic terror threats. They are becoming a transnational threat. Today, these extremist movements represent the number one internal security threat in several countries. Far too often, these hate groups are cheered on by people in positions of responsibility in ways that were considered unimaginable not long ago. We need global coordinated action to defeat this grave and growing danger.”


The agenda of the UN and The Party is clear -- if you question the official narrative, be it the Covid scamdemic propaganda or the political agenda of the globalists, you are a Neo-Nazi. The powers that be are so intimidated by the truth that they have to dig Nazism out of the closet in an attempt to silence the truth. According to these ideologues being white is tantamount to criminality, that is if you’re not one of the global elites or a member of Antifa. What does this mean? Two things: If you’re not a Democrat, you’re likely a criminal guilty of “wrongthink” and “It means you can run but you can’t hide. It looks like there will be a worldwide coalition to extirpate the evils that come automatically with whiteness and, as BLM is now de facto a major constituency of the U.S. Democratic Party, you know that Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi will be leading the charge.”


For the past two or three decades Washington DC has gone to great lengths to “keep us safe,” apparently from ourselves. They have done everything in their power to divide us into subgroups that they can manipulate for political and financial gain. Anyone who disagrees is labeled a domestic terrorist. The fact is that the only ones they’ve really attempted to keep safe are themselves so they can continue their corruption in comfort and safety. Many are agents of foreign governments. As their corruption becomes more transparent they’ve had to pass more and more laws to keep themselves safe, all to the detriment of the American people.

The national debt is so ridiculously high it can never be paid -- the government just keeps printing more and more money which will lead to hyper-inflation soon. The only reason to collect taxes is to keep Americans in a state of constant servitude. Our rights are diminished to voting (for a candidate selected for us by the political class), paying taxes, and keeping our mouths shut about the corruption. The Constitution has been effectively gutted, an irrelevant illusion of the rule of law -- if you’re a constitutionalist that means that you’re a domestic terrorist.

As many states are lifting the mask mandates, the laws coming out of Washington will become more draconian. In the late 1970s the Carter administration wanted a 55 MPH speed limit. Many states balked so the federal government threatened to cut off federal highway funds -- that’s how the game is played.  There will be more waves of Covid, along with “variants, lockdowns, and vaccine passports; not because of concerns for public safety as the feds will claim, but to force edicts coming out of Washington DC. The impetus behind this is to impose a totalitarian surveillance state.

“No matter the origin or true lethality of SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus pandemic has been utilized to implement broader agendas that have been planned well in advance. One of the motivations for declaring a global pandemic was to make possible the widespread usage of new technology such as facial recognition, digital IDs and payment systems, mRNA vaccines and vaccine certificates. This is openly stated in books such as COVID-19: The Great Reset and The Fourth Industrial Revolution.”


As I’ve been saying for over a year, it’s corporations, foundations, NGOs and government agencies behind the Covid scamdemic and surveillance state. Much of the technology involved was tested in communist China.

“In fact, the people and organizations behind exercises such as Crimson Contagion and Event 201 secretly planned to reshape the world in their technocratic image using the guise of the pandemic to implement their schemes. For decades Hollywood, a major partner in advancing globalist agendas, has been conditioning people to accept all-pervasive surveillance through films such as Enemy of the State, Eagle Eye, and Minority Report. The societies depicted in those dystopian films are now a reality. Welcome to Dystopia Now!”


It may very well be time for the Democrats and their Republican allies to change their names to the Autocrats, their goal being to consolidate power in one locus. The thugs of Antifa and BLM, have become the Party’s army on the street. While they are given carte blanche to burn, loot, and ransack American cities as part of their “mostly peaceful protests, criticism of these violent groups is forbidden, viewed as manifestations of white supremacy -- Domestic Terrorism. The battlelines have been drawn for what appears to be a one-sided war. The vast majority of Americans are patriots, believing in the Constitution and the rule of law, so The Party has to even up the odds. Control of the mainstream media helps to a great degree. The targeting of patriots by both the media and DOJ in the Jan 6 protests is proof of that. The DOJ wants to prosecute the protesters for sedition -- exercising their constitutionally protected right to dissent -- while the real violent protesters, Antifa/BLM provocateurs are largely ignored.

 Darren Beatty of Revolver News takes a more direct approach to the attack on American patriots and the intervention of the security state:

“The entire National Security apparatus and bureaucracy in the United States has been repurposed and redeployed domestically in order to silence and crush the energies associated with Donald Trump and his victories and his supporters.  And so this latest story is especially creepy. The context for this is Senator Duckworth who basically said, ‘We need to do a better job at identifying, vetting and ultimately cleansing the Defense sector from any employees who might be sympathetic effectively to Trump.’”


America is in danger of becoming a totalitarian state, in rapid fashion. Any pretense of democracy is virtually gone, the security agencies and police forces across the country work at the behest of a government run amok working for the interests of corporations, foundations and NGOs rather than in the interests of the American people. The fact is, they work to the detriment of those they swore to protect and in direct contravention of the Constitution they swore to uphold. 

Also gone is the rule of law, laws are passed to benefit the elites upheld by a militarized law enforcement that is little more than a goon squad protecting Antifa/BLM rioters and the elites they serve, while the mainstream media runs interference for the globalists and their puppets in the American government by selective reporting and spinning anything negative. Once the “watchdogs of government, they have become little more than a public relations mechanism for the globalists. One also cannot underestimate the influence of the CCP on the mass media, the US government, and academia -- the birthplace of elitist activism.

This all amounts to a massive power grab by the elites and their puppets in Washington DC. Dementia patient Joe Biden is being hailed by the MSM as a modern day Franklin D. Roosevelt. Anyone who disagrees is fair game in the Empire of Lies.

“And every single day we are subjected to more base lies disguised as lofty truths. Breathing freely without two masks is selfish. Staying indoors is good for your neighbors. Our differences are what make us a community. We are all in this together. Powerful black people are oppressed and poor white people are privileged. Qanon is marching on Washington and the Ku Klux Klan is right behind every door. Men are women, women are men, and pregnant women make great professional soldiers. Power-grabs are voting rights. Election integrity threatens “the bedrock of American democracy.” Joe Biden is an historic visionary.”


These are just a few of the lies being promulgated by the MSM, and they have a never-ending parade of “experts” to back them up -- and if you say or think anything to the contrary, you are a domestic terrorist and/or a white supremacist. Anyone who dares to disagree with the official narrative is accused of being a neo-Nazi. If the Ministry of Truth in Washington DC or the newsrooms of New York says it’s so, you damned well better not disagree. “Democracy dies in darkness” is probably the only truthful statement to come out of Washington in the past two decades.

This, lamentably, is the “new normal,” lies are truth, peace is war, and the state is supreme. Orwell’s 1984 was meant to be a warning, not an instruction manual. Washington DC has become an armed camp, full of National Guard troops and concertina wire protecting America’s elites from their biggest threat -- the American people. This was the biggest fear of the Framers who in their infinite wisdom declared: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government…”

The petty tyrants in Washington are not deriving just powers from the consent of the governed, but seizing them by legislative fiat. Now these tyrants have been caught and are arming themselves, hiding behind the power of the military -- who knows if the National Guardsmen are in fact National Guard and not Special Forces in disguise -- and police while at the same time trying with all their might to negate the Second Amendment. They will do everything they can to maintain their grip on the reins of power including using deadly “vaccines” to eliminate dissenters.

Make no mistake, the Covid scamdemic, in all of its forms and variants, and the vaccine passports have nothing to do with public health and everything to do with creating a police state, all to maintain and increase the power of the state. Vaccine passports will be a crucial part of weeding out dissenters. So too, will be Trump’s social media platform. It will identify dissenters and Trump supporters across the country -- a veritable Who’s Who of domestic terrorists.

America is in dire need of people of courage, conscience and conviction to stand up to the bullies in Washington DC and governor mansions across America. It’s time to say enough is enough. We elected people to represent us, not corporations, foundations, and NGOs -- and we damned sure didn’t elect them to represent the CCP. Time is rapidly running out, if the American people don’t act soon it will be too late. Donald Trump is not coming back to save us all, we must save ourselves. Biden is a puppet of communist China, as are many others in Congress. They are enemy agents, working against America’s interests and in their own -- they have been bought and paid for by selling the rest of us out. The Covid “vaccines” are designed to weaken not cure and meant to leave us open to attack. If we wait until the attack it will be too late, the time to act is now.


Because this is such an awesome post, here is a BBH Tip for you. . Keep up the fantastic work

Thank you very much!

Put me on the list..again.

"In China, -Tu Yung- is just a name" - Beijing Biden

Biden grope.gif

The peat bog slave camps of northern Minnesota are already overflowing with Trumpists and anti-vaxxers. Where are they going to put more of these miscreants? Clearly, Biden’s infrastructure plan must include funding for additional camps. Or is he just going to contract that out and send opponents to Xinjiang?

Ironic, although entirely predictable, that the real domestic terrorists are labeling their opposition the "terrorists." If you are a person who wants the government to just leave them alone, you are a "terrorist"--but if you are a politician who tells the mob to "get in their faces" or does nothing to stop arsonists or actually terrorizes people with CCP virus porn, you are the "heroes." I believe psychologists call this "projection" when you accuse others of being what you actually are. !BBH

It is indeed projection and has been a weapon of the Democrats since the 1960s

I heard saying hi to Jack on a jet would make you a terrorist.

At this point nothing surprises me. Long time, no see!

Say, "Hi, Jack," on a jet.

And yeah, it has been a long time. It's tough to get around to everyone. Was just stopping in to leave a random joke. Probably neither the time nor the place for that.

Never a bad time or place for humor... it's good to see you!

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I personally Hate TRUMP !

My best wishes and regards to you.
I am new here , keep me in prayers.

Good Luck.

Good luck and stop spamming. You didn't even read the article
