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RE: Instigating Intervention | US Military Encircles Iran and Venezuela

in Deep Dives4 years ago

Well done!!! Another regime backed by the US was Pinochet in Chile, one of the most brutal in that nation's history. Things are about to come to a head with China, I fear that the silent war is about to escalate.


Yes, of course Pinochet was certainly one of the worst dictators propped up by the USG. Things are escalating around the world, with China for sure, I think this is why it's important that we have a clear understanding of the past as it will help us make sense of challenges that we can no longer avoid.

Absolutely... I find that using an historical perspective is the only viable means of predicting what will happen. Statistics may provide useful snapshots, but human behavior tends not to vary much and is predictable.

For example this thing going on with China goes back to the British East India Company... The Chinese have very long memories.