The COVID-19 Control Nexus: Inside the Electronic Prison

in Deep Dives4 years ago

(Meme by me - @richq11)

The young lady in this short video lays out the globalist plan for using the plandemic to seize control, by imposing an electronic prison on Canada that includes forcing people to give up their private property and take the mandatory vaccines. The same thing will happen in the US and around the world.

The more information that comes out exposing the COVID-19 scampanic, the more those behind it dig in. Mandatory masks and mandatory vaccinations are just the tip of the iceberg. For anyone stuck in a time warp for the last six months, this has nothing to do with public health and everything to do with imposing a medical police state in which the few rights we have left are taken away “for the greater good.” As statistics show, the death toll from CV-19 without comorbidities such as motorcycle accidents, heart attacks, and shootings is just over 9000 (as of a month ago). The fact that the virus cannot be isolated to be tested for is another indication that something foul is afoot.

The CDC admits that there are no virus isolates in existence, bringing into question if SARS-CoV-2 is even the virus responsible for the COVID-19 scamdemic. “Buried deep in the document, on page 39, in a section titled, “Performance Characteristics,” we have this: “Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available, assays [diagnostic tests] designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA…”

The elites, Big Pharma, NGOs, politicians (already drunk with power), and the news media have all ganged up to push a false narrative and they are determined that nothing will stop them -- especially the truth. The media and social media are censoring anyone who challenges their lies. The posterboy for this medical takeover is of course Bill Gates. Gates and his foundation are set to rake in billions of dollars if this medical coup succeeds. It is, therefore, no surprise that he leads the charge to dismiss any criticisms against him and his co-conspirators as “conspiracy theories.”

“It’s really not a conspiracy theory when Gates is on record as saying he’s invested $10 billion in vaccines and is looking to make a 20 to 1 return on that investment, claims along with Fauci that a vaccine or maybe two will bring society back to normal, has participated in Event 201 and spoke about the very scenario we are facing for which he invested.  It’s just plain old facts and those engaged in pushing the narrative stand to either make more money or gain more power in the process of pushing it.  Still, Gates rips into those accusing him as “conspiracy theorists,” you know, that term the CIA coined to deal with dissenters of the official narrative of the JFK assassination?”

But given that the COVID-19 narrative is all the elites have left, it’s the one they’ve decided to go with. It’s the only way that the powers that be can get the nanotech technology into the public, and that’s what this is really about -- constant surveillance and control, even if it means releasing more “waves” of pathogens. Gates, his foundation, along with Fauci, NIH, the WHO, and CDC are all in on it. Through the MSM they have been pushing false and often contradictory narratives since the outbreak began.

“The whole digital media space where people are dealing with the bad news, the pandemic, has spun up a lot of conspiracy theories,” said Gates Wednesday on CNBC. “And the two people who are most targeted in those are Dr. Fauci and myself, in terms of, ‘Do we have some sort of maligned reason to think vaccines are important in general?’”

“We have to admit that in the scientific community, in the early stage of the infection, we thought this was about coughing, we didn’t know the simple masks would provide so much benefit,” said Gates. “Given that we tell people to wear clothes, I don’t think of it as some ultra-important freedom thing that there’s another part of your body – at least for the duration of the pandemic – we’re asking you to cover up.”

The response to the false pandemic was a disaster from the outset. The only way that those in power can make the false narrative work is to divert blame away from themselves and put it on a scapegoat -- or several. The response is typical of leftist regimes around the world. “Leftist regimes turn to political terror as their policies fail. When the idealism dies, and the theories fall apart, the organizers pursue misery for the sake of misery, using fear, deprivation, and hate to maintain their grip on power while crushing the political threats to their rule.”

This is just another false narrative, the fact is, over 85% of those that have tested positive are mask wearers. This should come as no surprise given that the tests can only identify antibodies, not the SARS-CoV-2 virus which, as posited before, cannot be isolated and therefore, can’t be tested for. It’s all just a ruse to create an atmosphere of fear to manipulate people into taking the vaccine. The digital IDs contained in the vaccines along with cell-phone apps (also likely mandatory) will allow surveillance 24/7… welcome to the electronic prison.

These cell-phone apps used in contract tracing come courtesy of the Rockefeller and Clinton Foundations. “As soon as they are ready for full commercial release, a new series of smartphone apps funded and created by Rockefeller and Clinton Foundations, among other nefarious players, will control every aspect of post-COVID life.”

“According to reports, the non-profit trust Commons Project Foundation, part of the World Economic Forum, is set to release three different smartphone apps – CommonHealth, COVIDcheck, and CommonPass – that together will collect, store and monitor people’s health data in order to determine where they are allowed to travel, study, work and live.”

These apps will work on much the same principle as the social credit system developed by Silicon Valley and currently in use in China. The program will be managed by the CommonsProject through a program called CommonHealth.

“The Commons Project website explains that, with support of the Rockefeller Foundation, new “platforms and services” will soon be introduced to tightly regulate life after COVID-19. We also know that part of the plan is to implement the World Economic Forum’s ”Great Reset” agenda, which is essentially a transition to the New World Order under the guise of a plandemic.”

“CommonHealth, we are told, will collect and “manage” people’s health data in order to relay it to health services, organizations and even other smartphone apps. This app exists as an alternative to Apple Health for the 73 percent of the global population that uses Android devices instead of Apple devices.”

The Clinton Foundation has teamed up with the CDC and World Medical Assn. (Parent of the AMA in the US) to implement COVIDCheck in partnership with CommonHealth. “COVIDcheck, another Commons Project app created in partnership with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Clinton Foundation and the World Medical Association, is similar to CommonHealth except it exists to create a “new normal” post-COVID for schools, universities, employers and public health agencies.”

“... people’s health data in order to relay it to health services, organizations and even other smartphone apps.” This statement is very telling in what it omits. What other organizations and smartphone apps? It’s possible that people’s most sensitive data could be accessed by virtually anyone including hostile nations such as China… or organizations such as the Clinton or Gates Foundations for personal gain. This is all part of Operation Lockstep developed by the Rockefeller Foundation back in 2010. They just had to wait for the proper technology to be developed.

“All three apps are a direct manifestation of what the Rockefeller Foundation “predicted” back in 2010 as part of “Operation Lockstep.” This program was described as a scenario-planning exercise for global elites to manipulate and influence public policies during an alleged pandemic – you know, much like the one the world currently faces.”

“This document was reportedly created as a type of “operation manual” for how to proceed with a “new normal” in the event that a global pandemic strikes the world. If this sounds eerily familiar, that is because it was all planned to happen this way 10 years ago.”

According to the architects of the plan there will be no return to normalcy unless everyone takes the “mark of the beast.” Like the Bible says “no man may buy or sell without the mark,” only in this case you can add travel, work, or congregate.

“The brainwashing is nothing if not blatant and transparent. The Rockefeller Foundation and Bill Gates have the same puppetmaster and thus read from the exact same script. Gates has repeated the scheme ad nauseam: no return to normalcy until you’re vaccinated … no return to normalcy until you’re vaccinated … no return to normalcy until you’re vaccinated. The foreword of the paper paints a grim picture (with propagandistic ideas of a resurgence and a 2nd wave in the background):”

“The plan also includes: launching a Covid Community Healthcare Corps so every American can easily get tested with privacy-centric contact tracing; a testing data commons and digital platform to track Covid-19 statuses, resources, and effective treatment protocols across states and be a clearinghouse for data on new technologies … at least 100,000 people and perhaps as many as 300,000 must be hired to undertake a vigorous campaign of test administration and contact tracing.”

There is an enormous push behind this program, and it comes from more than the elites, Big Pharma, and the media. Others behind the program include many federal agencies including HHS, USAID (one of the State Dept’s most corrupt organizations), and the AMA. Naturally the UN and its World Economic Council (the organization behind Event 201 along with Gates).

“So who are the players in this endeavor?  Starting with the Trustees, individuals from across the world are engaged.  Federal agencies include Health & Human Services (HHS), US Agency for International Development (USAID), Centers for Disease Control (CDC), American Medical Association (AMA), and a host of other different organizations.  Any attempt to find this information on the government websites results in no information, defying their claim of transparency, and accountability.”

“More fascinating is the involvement by a UN Strategic Partnerships member.  This is a partnership between the United Nations (UN) and the World Economic Forum (WEF) with funding and accelerated implementation of Agenda 2030 as its primary goal.  Digital cooperation and health are two focus areas.  One other UN member represents the UN Development Programme (UNDP).”

This should actually come as no surprise, it was the Rockefellers that were behind the creation of the UN. They’ve been in control all along. The Rockefellers are far too astute to create a body they couldn’t control. Moreover, several groups and individuals are already asking for UN troops to be sent to stem the violence in American cities -- they’re just waiting for an excuse to come in, stop the violence and enforce the COVID endgame.

DARPA is also getting in on the act, having teamed up with Bill Gates to provide a biometric implant. “We have reported on Bill Gates working with Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to produce a nano-tech vaccine, as well as a microchip to allegedly detect COVID-19, which we know the chip is for far more than that.  Now, there’s an update on DARPA funding a microchip to diagnose the disease.  A new mRNA diagnostic tool developed at Stanford University and funded by BARDA and DARPA is bringing implantable biochip technology closer to reality.” The problem is, as noted before, the virus cannot be isolated, making testing impossible. So what is it that Gates and DARPA are really interested in testing for?

Profits are one answer. This segment of the biotech industry is one of the most profitable to date with a marketshare projected to be worth over $45 billion by 2024 -- it’s currently at $18 billion. But even more than that it’s about control. These biosensors will allow authorities -- both medical and otherwise -- to track individuals 24/7… these will be the fences of the electronic prison. It’s also a part of the AI-driven transhumanist agenda. If it’s a part of a mandatory vaccine policy, then nobody can refuse it -- unless they want to be excluded from every form of human endeavor. These experiments are being conducted at Stanford University.

“Given Stanford’s deep ties to U.S. military intelligence dating back to the cold war, through an early version of StartX called the Stanford Research Institute (SRI), Devesa’s assessment might reveal more about the true nature of Wall Street as an arm of the U.S. military industrial complex, which seems poised to make a killing on the brave new world of implantable biochips and AI-enabled diagnostic tools that are on the brink revolutionizing the healthcare industry.”

Stanford Research Institute, by the way, is a part of Tavistock Institute’s network of think tanks in the US. Once again, this has nothing at all to do with public health, and everything to do with public control and social engineering, Tavistock’s specialty. With the US Military behind them distributing the vaccines, how can they fail?

The Prison

Using the old television series The Prisoner as an analogy, author John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute, shows how the US is being transformed into an electronic prison:

“We’re run by the Pentagon, we’re run by Madison Avenue, we’re run by television, and as long as we accept those things and don’t revolt we’ll have to go along with the stream to the eventual avalanche…. As long as we go out and buy stuff, we’re at their mercy… We all live in a little Village. Your Village may be different from other people’s Villages, but we are all prisoners.”— Patrick McGoohan   [All subsequent quotes will come from this article]

Writing about the upcoming election, Whitehead posits: “This is not an election. This is a con game, a scam, a grift, a hustle, a bunko, a swindle, a flimflam, a gaffle, and a bamboozle. In this carefully choreographed scheme to strip the American citizenry of our power and our rights, “we the people” are nothing more than marks, suckers, stooges, mugs, rubes, or gulls. We are victims of the Deep State’s confidence game.”

As Mark Twain so poignantly wrote: “If your vote counted, voting would be illegal.” This is the game of power and those that have it, don’t play the game to lose. For over 100 years, those behind the curtains pulling the strings have been successful in manipulating the masses to do their bidding. However, with the advent of the internet, their control over the narrative has been slipping away and they are being exposed for what they really are -- perverse megalomaniacs who view the masses as their property, chattel with whom they can do as they please. Fear is their greatest tool. Fear is the key that either locks or unlocks the gates of the electronic prison.

“Every confidence game has six essential stages: 1) the foundation to lay the groundwork for the illusion; 2) the approach whereby the victim is contacted; 3) the build-up to make the victim feel like they’ve got a vested interest in the outcome; 4) the corroboration (aided by third-party conspirators) to legitimize that the scammers are, in fact, on the up-and-up; 5) the pay-off, in which the victim gets to experience some small early “wins”; and 6) the “hurrah”— a sudden manufactured crisis or change of events that creates a sense of urgency.”

Urgency is what keeps us in the prison and makes us fearful. If we don’t deal with these crises immediately, then surely we will fail. The Deep State has used this for decades. “Terrorist attacks, pandemics, civil unrest: these are all manipulated crises that add to the sense of urgency and help us feel invested in the outcome of the various elections, but it doesn’t change much in the long term.”

“No matter who wins this election, we’ll all still be prisoners of the Deep State. We just haven’t learned to recognize our prison walls as such.”

The Deep State owns the game… they have the home field advantage, and when it comes to the COVID scamdemic they will use it to force us into compliance -- this is the final gambit. It doesn’t matter if the virus exists or not, they have the power to make it so. The Deep State has the power to take away all of our rights if we don’t comply. They don’t have to make it mandatory, all they have to do is say that you can’t work, travel, go to the store, send your children to school, congregate with your friends… the list goes on and on. No vaccination and you will become an outcast. They control the game and they have the government, the military, corporations, and the media behind them.

“First broadcast in Great Britain 50-some years ago, The Prisoner dystopian television series —described as “James Bond meets George Orwell filtered through Franz Kafka”—confronted societal themes that are still relevant today: the rise of a police state, the loss of freedom, round-the-clock surveillance, the corruption of government, totalitarianism, weaponization, group think, mass marketing, and the tendency of human beings to meekly accept their lot in life as prisoners in a prison of their own making.”

This is what we have to look forward to… this is the “new normal” punctuated with sporadic violence in metropolitan areas for good measure. Anyone that believes that things are going to return to how they were before the outbreak is kidding themselves -- the scamdemic was specifically designed to ensure that it wouldn’t. It doesn’t matter who wins the election -- if it’s Trump the street violence will escalate and the COVID surveillance state will become more draconian. There will be waves of “mutated strains” (modified) that will hit at key junctures in time. If Biden wins, the street thugs will be emboldened and the same thing will happen. This is all a mind game and COVID-19 is the playing field.

Eighteenth century social theorist Jeremy Bentham envisioned the panopticon prison to be a cheaper and more effective means of ‘obtaining power of mind over mind, in a quantity hitherto without example.’”

“Bentham’s panopticon, in which the prisoners are used as a source of cheap, menial labor, has become a model for the modern surveillance state in which the populace is constantly being watched, controlled and managed by the powers-that-be while funding its existence.”

Those that refuse to go along will either be sent to actual prisons or given the vaccine developed by the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center -- the anthrax-vector vaccine. It’s difficult to win when the other side owns the game. “They see your every move: what you read, how much you spend, where you go, with whom you interact, when you wake up in the morning, what you’re watching on television and reading on the internet.”

“Every move you make is being monitored, mined for data, crunched, and tabulated in order to amass a profile of who you are, what makes you tick, and how best to control you when and if it becomes necessary to bring you in line.”

LIke the Patriot Act and the NDAA, the COVID scamdemic is just another excuse to take away your rights -- the rest of them. The Constitution has been rendered virtually meaningless over the years. But there is still time and hope for the future, but it will take a miracle. The sheep need to stand up.

“Think for yourself. Be an individual. As McGoohan commented in 1968, ‘At this moment individuals are being drained of their personalities and being brainwashed into slaves… As long as people feel something, that’s the great thing. It’s when they are walking around not thinking and not feeling, that’s tough. When you get a mob like that, you can turn them into the sort of gang that Hitler had.’”

We’re already seeing it… these are the people burning and looting cities across America. WE must stand up and stop them. Their minds will not be changed, they are a cancer eating away at America and like any cancer they must be excised. It will be difficult, they have a corrupt government behind them… a corrupt government that will use any weapon in their arsenal against us -- and right now COVID-19 is their most effective weapon. They will use a 2nd and 3rd wave to enforce more lockdowns.

This is just the beginning, the worst is yet to come. It’s time to organize and be prepared for what is to come. The elites will keep pushing the COVID narrative and release more strains. The violence will increase regardless of who wins the election. This is the takeover. The elites won’t stop until they either win or are taken down. They will continue to use the useful idiots and the virus -- those are their weapons. We must defeat both to survive.


Human beings in America by far are launching massive liberty movements and demanding liberty instead of temporary security.

The riots in Portland have not spread this disease and while I was right on top of this when the beginning propaganda was started with the so-called leaking videos of China...

Which if this disease actually had spread around globe and caused more than a 3% mortality rate we would have lost a third of the population in 14 days.

coming from a culture who has had to deal with massive susceptibility to diseases as well as being victim of multiple government attempts at destroying native Americans health...

Oh yes that's right United States government gave radioactive isotopes to native American women. That was my mother's generation and the women now have massive healthcare issues.

Just in an attempt to sterilize the women of breeding age to attempt to limit our population growth. Which will have lasting effects in the native American community for generations to come

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Thank you I am slowly accumulating these and it is going quite well so thank you very much for the added donation

Very detailed article, much appreciated, @rich11. NJ! Let's hope we can avoid falling into the perfect type of death-trap that will enable the filthy globalists to abscond, without their appropriate just rewards, as they plunder and extract the remaining wealth of dying nations.

If the manufactured divisions devolve into violent clashes, the real bad guys, the lowest of the low, will watch in amusement, the unfolding chaos, from towering heights and rain down their echoing laughter upon fools' ashes.

On the positive side, here's a very talented and smart cracker, er cookie, who has a complete grasp of the situation. Hours of entertainment and riotous laughter await!

Made By Jimbob | 19 Oct 2020

This is just the beginning, the worst is yet to come

let us pray for a brighter future in which all this falls away as a bad dream.

It's going to take a lot more than prayer to make this go away (although it can't hurt). Remember the old saw, God helps those that help themselves.

Scary stuff.

It is indeed!