The Slaughter of the Innocents: Margaret Sanger and the Largest Genocide in History

in Deep Dives4 years ago

Only Democrats could confuse contraception with baby killing.

By: Richard J. Quitliano
Editorialist & NewsHawk

WASHINGTON, DC (@ZENINEWS) — Let’s start out with the facts: Margaret Sanger, a heroine of the left and feminists around the world, was a vicious racist who began the most colossal genocide in history — one that has claimed the lives of over 60 million infants in the US alone since Roe v. Wade in 1973.

Over 60 million innocent human beings that have never done a single thing to harm another person, wiped from the face of the earth permanently. Their “crime” was that they were an inconvenience, an encumbrance to some woman’s “right” to self-actualization — her right to behave irresponsibly — and to live without consequences for their actions.

Without Margaret Sanger and her American Birth Control League (later Planned Parenthood) none of this would be possible. She is the figurehead of elitism and the American eugenics movement dedicated to the extermination of blacks, Eastern Europeans, gypsies, Irish and Italian immigrants, Jews, and other “human weeds” as she described them. To Sanger and other eugenicists only the “best and brightest” should be allowed to reproduce, in much the same way that prize livestock is selectively bred to get the best attributes possible.

Some of these “best attributes” of the elitists, in reality, prove not to be particularly desirable such as their penchant for playing God with the lives of others — they believe that they should have the power of life and death for the rest of us — not to mention their unwillingness to accept responsibility for anything they do. It’s as if their “good intentions” absolve them of responsibility when in fact their intentions have invariably proved to be less than honorable. The prime motivating factor for Sanger and others like her is most often myopic selfishness and a sense of entitlement.


Sanger came from an underprivileged family in NYC. Her mother died of tuberculosis at a fairly young age, something Sanger attributed to childbirth. She was one of eleven children.

“Sanger eventually went to nursing school, then married and had three children. She and her husband became immersed in the bohemian world of Greenwich Village, where they lived. It was at this time that she joined the Women’s Committee of the New York Socialist’s Party and began to advocate for the sexual education of women. Though she never finished nursing school, Margaret began working as a nurse in a poor immigrant section of NYC, where she grew to believe in—and teach—the importance of birth control. She also began to write about these beliefs in a column entitled ‘What Every Girl Should Know.’”1

In 1914 she began publishing the Birth Control Review, a publication that got her in trouble with the authorities.

“Because she mailed out this publication, she was in violation of the Comstock Act, which made it illegal to disseminate immoral materials through the mail. Facing possible jail time for her actions, Margaret fled to England, where she continued to do research on birth control and contrive a plan to disseminate it.”2

The source of the problems was a series of articles and flyers encouraging young women (in minority communities) to douche with Lysol. At this time Lysol was far more stringent than it is today and contained chemicals that caused scarring of the uterine walls that caused infertility. While in Europe she became the darling of eugenicists there — including the Nazi Party in Germany who had embarked on their own eugenics program aimed at getting rid of their own “undesirables.” While in Germany she met and formed a friendship with Dr. Ernst Rudin, the psychiatrist behind Hitler’s “racial purity” program. After her return to America and founding of Planned Parenthood he became a frequent contributor to her magazine of the same name.

It’s important to realize that Germany was not the only country to embrace eugenics. Most of his program in fact was adopted from American eugenicists. In addition to Germany, Austria, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland, and other countries also had eugenics programs. We tend to apply modern societal norms to our framework when viewing history, but it’s important to view these things from within the context of the times in which they occur. Like slavery, eugenics was perfectly acceptable while it was going on. In America thousands of men and women were sterilized.

Sanger made her feelings clear in a 1932 speech named My Way to Peace:

“The first step would be to control the intake and output on morons, mental defectives, and epileptics. The second step would be to take an inventory of the second group, such as illiterates, paupers, unemployables, criminals, prostitutes, dope-fiends; classify them in special departments under government medical protection and segregate them on farms and open spaces.”

“Those segregated in these camps could return to mainstream society if they underwent sterilization and demonstrated good behavior. Sanger estimates that 15 million to 20 million Americans would be targeted in this regime of forced sterilization and concentration camps. In Sanger, the humanitarian dream of a world without poverty and illness has deteriorated into a coercive world where the poor, the disabled and the addicted simply disappear. Sanger represents a genteel prejudice shared by many members of America’s ruling class in the early 20th century.”3

This “genteel prejudice” by no means ended after the early 20th century but goes on to this day. LBJ’s “Great Society” programs were predicated on his observation that blacks in America were getting “uppity,” and his solution was to give them a few crumbs and lock them away in substandard ghetto housing. This is all aimed at America’s black population and Sanger’s policies have been taken up by Democrats like Hillary Clinton — who remarked that black men are “predatory” — Nancy Pelosi, and Joe Biden: “If you don’t vote for me, you’re not black.”

The thinking behind this goes back to the plantation, Democrats still view blacks as their “property.” They allow “token blacks,” Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson-Lee, and others to serve in Congress, but they’re just useful idiots, Judas goats leading other blacks to the slaughter. White progressives hold the same genteel prejudices, opposing voter ID because they believe that blacks aren’t smart enough to avail themselves of the voting services at the DMV, calling it “voter suppression. This video exposes this elitism.

All the while, since the days of Sanger, they’ve been doing everything possible to exterminate the black population. Sanger admitted as much herself:

“Sanger’s eugenics project carried its own racial preoccupation. In a letter of Dec. 10, 1939, to Clarence Gamble (cited here), she explains the nature of her organization’s outreach to the African-American community: ‘The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to get out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.’ In her autobiography she proudly recounts her address to the women of the Ku Klux Klan in Silver Lake, N.J., in 1926.”4

Sanger’s move toward black genocide came with the help of black elites of the time and is evident in both LBJ’s Great Society and the current Democrat Party’s treatment of blacks — all depended on removing fathers from the home.

Planned Parenthood and the
Destruction of the Black Family

“Birth control was presented both as an economic betterment vehicle and as a health measure that could lower the incidence of infant mortality. At the 1942 BCFA annual meeting, BCFA Negro Council board member Dr. Dorothy B. Ferebee–a cum laude graduate of Tufts and also president of Alpha Kappa Alpha, the nation’s largest black sorority–addressed the delegates regarding Planned Parenthood’s minority outreach efforts: With the Negro group some of the most difficult obstacles . . . to overcome are: (1) the concept that when birth control is proposed to them, it is motivated by a clever bit of machination to persuade them to commit race suicide; (2) the so-called “husband rejection” . . . (3) the fact that birth control is confused with abortion, and (4) the belief that is inherently immoral. However, as formidable as these objections may seem, when thrown against the total picture of the awareness on the part of the Negro leaders of the improved condition under Planned Parenthood, or the genuine interest and eagerness of the families themselves to secure the services which will give them a fair chance for health and happiness, the obstacles to the program are greatly outweighed.” [P. 3]5
In what perverse world is the happiness of the family tied to the ability to exterminate family members?

“Machinations to commit race suicide and husband rejection” have, however, found their way into both the platform of the Democrat Party as well as the black community where over 60% of children are born out of wedlock and abortions are rampant. Planned Parenthood has moved the bulk of its facilities into minority communities and high schools. Through contributions and tax subsidies, the American taxpayer is paying for the extermination of our black brothers and sisters — and we owe it all to the efforts of Margaret Sanger, racist, and eugenicist.

It looks like the Democrats believe that a White America is a Happy America, the only use they have for minorities is for votes at election time. And they accuse President Trump, the man that reduced black unemployment almost to nothing, of racism… and many in the black community still hold on to their “plantation thinking.” Happy with a few scraps from Massa’s table they continue to sacrifice generations of their own children for a cell phone and a few bucks a month.

“In his book, Killer Angel, George Grant says: ‘Myths, according to theologian J. l. Packer, are stories made up to sanctify social patterns.’ They are lies, carefully designed to reinforce a particular philosophy or morality within a culture. They are instruments of manipulation and control.”

“Killer Angel tells the real story behind one of the biggest myths that controls our culture today: the life and legacy of Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood. Grant exposes “the Big Lie” perpetuated by Sanger’s followers and the organization she started.”

“Through detailed research and concise writing, Grant unveils Sanger’s true character and ideology, which included blatant racism, revolutionary socialism, sexual perversion, and insatiable avarice. Grant includes direct quotes from sources such as Sanger’s Birth Control Review to support his findings. His biography spans Sanger’s disturbed and unhappy upbringing which Sanger said contributed to her agitation and bitterness later in life to her eventual fixation with drugs, alcohol, and the occult.”

“Particularly shocking was Sanger’s involvement in the Eugenics movement. Grant says: ‘[Sanger] was thoroughly convinced that the inferior races’ were in fact human weeds’ and a menace to civilization.’ . . . [S]he was a true believer, not simply someone who assimilated the jargon of the times as Planned Parenthood officials would have us believe.’” [P. 4]6

History will show that it was Sanger and her followers, people like Bill Gates and his father, a friend of Sanger and director of Planned Parenthood, that were a “menace to civilization.” Planned Parenthood’s assault on the African-American community and Bill Gates vaccine assault — both supported by Democrats and globalists alike — have both cost millions of innocent lives. Eugenics is still alive and well in America, it’s just taken a new face and with it a new language — benign-sounding terms such as “the right to choose,” and “women’s healthcare” may sound good, but under the surface is the same racist intent as the KKK, a group popular with Sanger.

The more things change, the more they stay the same. Sanger’s followers still hold the same racist beliefs that blacks are incapable of taking care of themselves without the guiding hand of the benevolent elites. Nor have their methods changed: to ease the burden of their cultural incompetence, the progressives open abortion clinics in their neighborhoods to exterminate them — “it’s for their own good.” Maggie would be so proud.