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RE: Analyzing Fact Checkers, 'Refusing' the Vaccine and How Sensationalist Memes are used as Disinformation

in Deep Dives β€’ 4 years ago


Fuck, I wish my attention span for reading hasn't gone to shit and had been keeping up with more of your writing. Some great nuggets in here. These were my favs:

We can not win this war with half-informations, overt exaggerations and mass-generalizations. We win it by standing firm in the solid ground of what is actually going on.

It is never a war if you know where you stand and you stand your ground firmly with complete confidence in who you are and what you know. The war has already been won if we purify ourselves and our information - having complete confidence in our judgements and material.

OMG. this is GOLD.

Strong emotional reactions by default put the fault on the reactor - it's a rule of human social conditioning, it's not always true but that doesn't matter - it is the unconscious reaction of the average human within modern western society to blame the reactor for the problem. This reaction in-turn invalidates the truth (which was contaminated with sensationalism, generalisations and false information in the first place) and the would-be listener throws the baby of truth out with the bathwater of propaganda.


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Thanks for coming over and having a read. It's great when someone appreciates it.

If you liked this one, you'd probably like this one as well:

How are things anyway? Keeping sane?

I've got that and near all of your others from the last month in open tabs... figuring one a day might be a reasonable goal. lol.

sanity... yeah, I suppose. mostly cuz I've just been self-isolating away from the crazies. lol.

summer was great, spent camping and biking. not super keen to be back at parents', but is what it is for the time being. nothing much else new or exciting to report on.

I'm honoured to be on your tabs. Haha

Outdoor time sounds great. I live right near a lake, reminds me I need to get out there more.

Such good groundingness in nature.

fuck yeah. the best medicine. πŸ’–