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RE: Coronavirus Hoax: Cancer DNA and the lowest point of Humanity [eng/срп] Коронапревара: ДНК тумора и најнижа тачка човечанства

in Deep Dives7 months ago

SV-40 is no accident. It is a cancer causing virus that came from monkeys(simian virus SV) and was used in the 50's & 60's in vaccines, like the polio vaccine which killed and injured many. SV-40 was also being toyed with by the CIA as a way to stealthily kill Castro with cancer in the 1960's, see Mary's Monkey & Lee Harvey Osawld. This is most likely the cause of the turbo cancers. There is no way SV-40 wound up in the covid vax on accident.

The modern world is built on lies and it can not stand for much longer.