
Thanks! Funny thing about this 'reduced' price is the amount they charge for shipping. In the end it is the same price as the other one despite appearances. Or at least, that's how it would be for me in France.

I do like the idea of having the same tubes all my life. Only the inside bit needs to change as we progress. So the plastic lids make sense. It seems to me that Uvarov does not offer this feature, so you would have to buy multiple wands as you progress. 💸

Am pretty sure I'm just going to make them in the end. Let's see how motivated I am feeling in the summer...

Thank you for bringing these Wands of Horus to our attention.
I'm in the US, so I see free shipping. But I haven't tried putting the item in the cart at ebay.
You're very thorough and sharp! Looking forward to hearing more from you, not just on this, but any subject you research. :)

I ordered a pair!!!

Order total: $74.89

Cylinders of the Pharaoh Copper/Zinc Filled with Quartz 6"x1"-Wands of Horus

Cylinders of the Pharaoh Copper/Zinc Filled with Quartz 6"x1"-Wands of Horus
You should get it by Apr 8.

Thank you again - @owasco, for sharing a link to this post, and @samstonehill for writing it!


I, of course, am thinking perhaps, just maybe, this would have been helpful for Niko, who hadn't left his bed for seven years. I wish I did not have that thought.

Who knew?

I'm thinking of my sister Kelly - could she have warded off cancer?
Had she known of the wands 3 or more years ago, and practiced holding them 2 hours a day....
Would she have done that? Not likely.
We don't get to to play the what-if game, just as we don't get to "know."
If, then - if only this, then that!
Maybe the wands would have done nothing for Niko... we just don't get to know. -_-
And you know I hate not knowing.

Ok, now I canceled the order and am awaiting word from the seller, who offers a new and improved pair - 4 inch instead of 6 inch, with no end caps, and no leakage of contents. The newer, smaller pair cost ten dollars less, $59.

"NEW DESIGN!!! No end caps. Quartz is permanently sealed inside copper and zinc galvanized steel tube 4" long by 1" diameter. These rods produce the same direct current voltage around .75 volts when held. Crushed natural quartz stone and fine grain clear quartz is tightly packed in each rod and permanently sealed with epoxy will never come out and make these every durable designed to last!" Cylinders of the Pharaoh Copper/Zinc Filled w/ Quartz 4"x1"-Harmonizers

For sure there should be no leakage of contents, so this sounds better. The crystals should be tight against the edges to induce the piezoelectric effect with the heat of your hands.

And as far as I can tell there is no particular need for end caps, other than to hold in leaky products!

$59 is an amazing price, even if they are smaller.

Can you send me a link to that please. Would like to have a look 👀