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RE: The Question

in Deep Dives4 years ago

Are you donating the profits from this post to needy people?
Do you know that abortion clinics sell fetus parts for profit?
And I noticed you didnt have a problem with Bernie Sanders being a millionare but refusing to pay his workers $15 dollars an hour.
Guess it's all about perspective.
The American ideal has brought more freedom prosperity and quality of life to the world than any ideology in human history.
The crony capitalism corporatocracy of consumerism we are expecting now is our own fault because of exactly what you are talking about, but you cant blame the billionaires, evil, immoral people have always found their way to the top.
We all are to blame for surrendering our sovereignty for convenience and complacency.
Decentralization could be the solution to all of those problems.


We don't make profits on this here blockchain; we get rewarded for our efforts to write, read and comment on posts that hopefully add to all our lifes' quality. Donating in itself seems like a good thing to do, and it is within a capitalist framework, but it's also an admission that within that framework a part of the population is reduced to the being the subject of other people's pity. This is the exact reason why someone like Bill Gates can pretend to be a force for good in this world.

I'm curious to know why you choose to equate capitalism with the "American" ideal, and how come you believe that capitalism brought about freedom and prosperity. Freedom is all about creating free time; time is the only real scarcity in our lifes, and free time is created by freeing hands, which comes about by technological and scientific progress. Capitalism has nothing to do with that; necessity and human curiosity will take care of that.

And no, decentralization isn't a magic cure; it is however a step in the right direction as long as we're still infected with the capitalist mindset. True progress for humanity will come when we remember what we once knew, namely that we're REALLY in EVERYTHING together. We don't need money, we don't need exchanging goods and services, all we need is a fundamental realization that we all need each other, and that we can't survive by ourselves; this self-made man canard is one of capitalism's biggest lies, no one is self made.

Not pity
Respect for the humanity of people and that intrinsic value.
And, been there.
Know the feeling
Our blessings are expressed through what we do for the benefit of others.
Honestly, I think about it being an American ideal because I am American.
I dont think in any way that makes me better or worse than anyone.
To me that means that I live my life by the principles of individual freedom being the inalienable right of all humanity.
I see America as it was founded as the farthest evolution of the ideal of individual freedom.
Society has benefitted greatly from the environment created by those ideals.
It's not about nationalism.
It's about the principles of freedom and the spirit of liberty.
It's not perfect, but it has been the best option so far.
Sociopaths and psychopaths will always do what they do and moral people focus on their values allowing the former their opportunity to twist and pervert the system.
Capitalism was the impetus to innovation and development. The problem is that centralization always breeds exploitation.
And you are absolutely right!
We must change our mindset and mentality if we are ever to overcome oppression and inequality.
We have to realize that the only power over us is the power we surrender.
All the best

Not pity
Respect for the humanity of people and that intrinsic value.
And, been there.
Know the feeling
Our blessings are expressed through what we do for the benefit of others.
Honestly, I think about it being an American ideal because I am American.
I dont think in any way that makes me better or worse than anyone.
To me that means that I live my life by the principles of individual freedom being the inalienable right of all humanity.
I see America as it was founded as the farthest evolution of the ideal of individual freedom.
Society has benefitted greatly from the environment created by those ideals.
It's not about nationalism.
It's about the principles of freedom and the spirit of liberty.
It's not perfect, but it has been the best option so far.
Sociopaths and psychopaths will always do what they do and moral people focus on their values allowing the former their opportunity to twist and pervert the system.
Capitalism was the impetus to innovation and development. The problem is that centralization always breeds exploitation.
And you are absolutely right!
We must change our mindset and mentality if we are ever to overcome oppression and inequality.
We have to realize that the only power over us is the power we surrender.
All the best