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RE: Unsensationalize Your Reporting to Create a Faster Collective Awakening

in Deep Dives4 years ago

Interesting that the autoplay dosen't happen on mobile... It may be that peakd's parser isn't set up to deal with multiple URL parameters. Try putting it in this order ?autoplay=false&v=author/permlink

I like the babbling as well, sounds like the start of some mad doomsday news collage.


Ok, i tried it as the link and also in the iframe tag. The link doesn't embed with this extra code and the iframe comes up with a similar error as I supplied before.

So, maybe I'll just leave it for now. Possibly the Peakd person I tagged in another comment on this thread will come and have a look.

Anyways, I appreciate you taking the time to try and sort this bug out.

ps. Glad we have the same sense of humour... haha