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RE: Are you a delusional STATIST and just don't know it?....This might help ... but I doubt it...

in Deep Dives4 years ago

That wonderful delusional state where your mind try's to bend space and time to fit your own thinking to the reality that your in . I envy people that can be in that state for days on or even years ... it's a perfect defense of denial , the way to a happy life with your head in the clouds . Drugged by delusion .
To bad that i never stay delusional more then half an hour ... as i realize that i can not bend space or time . Seeing your own delusional state will end the delusion for reality has caught up with it . It will become fiction ... ( to use in artworks )

Good post m8 , to stir up some delusional minds ;-)


it probably won't stir up much - except a feeling they won't acknowledge in he solar plexus - that's called anxiety - which is a physical reaction to a mental state of cognitive dissonance.
Physical illness due to internal mental conflicts is something I'll be posting on soon -ish... Quite interesting - in regards to this side of things...

People who have stress and anxiety - over long periods of time - may experience negative related health outcomes including heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes...blah blah..
Repressed guilt, or shame - and a long term , almost unconscious cognitive dissonance thrown in - You'll have your body screaming at you - trying to help you!
...then people go to big pharma to fix the symptoms instead!
Some people make single cell organisms, look like Einstein...

Yeah i know ,as i wrote "SOME" it will stir up .
Then don't forget people like me , that know this all but can't really communicate in writings about it ,... for they don't have the info , go on there intuition and act from subconscious common sense .
With great risk of drowning in the collective delusion ,... like i did/do.

My body ones screamed to me ,..STOP walking ! your leg is broken !
Broken like internally exploded impossible to stand on .
I can tell ya , that was a fucking mental experience , the drugs my body released in my mind made me bend that reality just enough to start the moped again and drive home ...

Your right when you say that it ain't a sickness or mental failure , We could argue that i mentally failed to call for an ambulance , the logic thing to do . But i was driven by survival mind drugs , unable to think straight , trying only to get back on that treadmill , in delusion , in denial . Fear and pressure are the source , fear can become a virus ;-)

If you get something from these posts , it's very cool mate!
(I wont be expecting the delusional to be queuing up with comments lolol)

It's always good to find conformation of your views in the Hive ,,.. hu'... herd ,... fuck no ,.. i mean , at an other non-conformist his post's .

The delusional won't comment , they (Google) will spam your Ytube with nice old lady's telling all about narcissist mental illness ;-)