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RE: Supporter Video | News roundup

in Deep Diveslast year

I think more people are upset about it than you think but they have control of everything now, which in my opinion I think that objective was meant before the release, so how can anyone do anything about it, you can't even get rid of the those who aren't doing anything about it.



I don't think that's the applicable word. When the pressure surmounts the compensatory mechanisms, that lack of will naturally will be surpassed, and them as won't yet will then.


I do hope they are upset than showing it - of course, there is a stigma from showing it I guess. A risk. It seems like that, however I hope it is like you say.

My new post is up. It's a lengthy one, even a part 1 so the long windedness doesn't stop there, lol. Covering twenty years of dastardly deeds I guess can't even be done within the scoop of one posting on Hive. lol. I got started off onto all this after your mention of eggs awhile back so it's been a heavy deep dive for I have to be in the right mind frame to get deep into stuff, plus the home environment has to be quiet enough to be doing any deep thinking...