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RE: What's funny about that?

in Deep Dives4 years ago

With the word you can kill and there is no evidence left!

I like how you visualized this. :)

Moreover, with the word you don't kill directly, you can make the other person commit suicide and the victim consider himself or herself the victimizer.

This is the power and stupidity of social movements - they don't care about people, they care about killing.

While it's true that verbal humiliation can be a problem, how weak a person's character can be to commit suicide as a result of teasing.

Precisely. People have become soft and unable to cope with even the slightest of negative emotional reactions. We have made children weak, but as always, in the end, it is survival of the fittest of the group.

I think we're giving importance to things and people that don't matter! That's my humble opinion.

Yes. We want to be entertained, while our future slides down the drain.