
The tragic collapse of the US judicial system is absolutely horrific. From time to time throughout my life kangaroo trials and specious commissions have been politically deployed, like the Waco slaughter, Ruby Ridge, and OK City. Very occasionally people like Randy Weaver, or the Bundy family, would win a little victory, which probably is done just to give us some false expectation that the occasional just jurist yet rules from the bench.

However, Assange and the Jan. 6 events belie any such false hope. The murder of Supreme Court Justice Scalia, 9/11, Obama drone striking an American child in 2016... These things reveal the underlying horrific evil behind American jurisprudence.

No. There's no checks and balances, no democratic control or defense of human rights, as you point out. Sadly, the West - the Free World - takes their cues from the USA, and America is a hellish dystopia today.

Although, maybe just behind Canada's MAID euthanasia program. I read a disturbing statistic that 3.3% of Canadian deaths last year were doctor assisted suicides.

Regarding the Health Certificate stuff, I'm already limiting my medical access to some scrips I yet believe are necessary to my health. Had I some means of diagnosing using AI and supplying my meds privately I'd probably quit seeing doctors altogether. I've had some recent issues and haven't even consulted a doctor to resolve them. I just attained a scrip of antibiotic and resolved it myself.

The UFO stuff remains undersupported with evidence, as you point out. The latest claims by the whistleblower don't actually state non-humans are definitely involved, and we are availed copious evidence that humans can make spacecraft. We know AMH (anatomically modern humans) have been on Earth for at least 400k years. We have very little archaeological evidence since the oceans are at their highest level they reach today. All that prime coastal real estate where people have lived for hundreds of millennia have never been examined. It's only been a couple hundred years since the industrial revolution began.

That literally could have happened 1000 times since humanity evolved. It's almost hard to believe it hasn't happened many times in the past. Given evidence of advanced manufacturing capability that is revealed in S. America, Egypt, and India, amongst other places, and records like the Mahabharata that discuss flying people and weapons fired from flight vehicles, I am prepared to accept the proposition that humanity has been in space before. I suspect that's why there's so much fake video and pics of the moon landings - to conceal that we've been there before.

Good Lord. That grooming of little children is completely off the chain. As a father I've had to raise kids and treat these issues, and I'd be outraged if anyone but me had such conversations with my kids. That's why I homeschooled.

FLOSS AI is outcompeting commercial corporate products, not just because individual devs are more nimble, but because corporations need to backdoor their products, surveil their users, insert malicious programming that produces 'hallucinations' that make their AI unusable for commercial purposes. Every week some FLOSS AI comes out that dramatically increases their capabilities. I am actually getting pretty stoked that AI can provide a lot of better options for things like medical diagnosis, automation of household production, and all sorts of uses.

I don't neglect that Stable Diffusion can make pretty pics too, but I find automation far more compelling than art in terms of utility.


About the fact that we could have gone to space many times before - I am fully opened minded to that, based upon what I have read/watched. I would also go a bit further - it is possible that that from a distant galaxy we could be a implanted on Earth as part of a slave race. But yeah, I look at history and it seems that there is a lot of things that point to an advanced civilisations - I have always been fascinated by the writings in the Mahabharata as well - their descriptions of what could be said to be nuclear bombs - like you were saying awhile back about possible evidence of nuclear bombs on Mars - it is possible that history is instantly different than we can think about - that was a great talk that guy gave / lecture about the bombs on Mars, I have to re-watch that .

-lately I have been researching "The Gateway Experiment" as in the process where people use it to access higher knowledge - I don't know if its true, but I became interested from the fact that one writer stated in an interview that the key players in big tech are heavily involved in using it to get to higher knowledge (this is just something the author of American Cosmic stated in a podcast, link below) - I know there is a new tech age group of people in big tech, but I did not know they used what they were learning - maybe looking inwards, or maybe from some unknown source, to code - as I said, I don't know if this is truth, but she came across as someone that seemed truthful - lead me down a little rabbithole- I was interested in why so many of them would be using it. I know everywhere in ancient writers there is examples of people talking to some information matrix. About the moon landings, yes you could be right about that.

About FLOSS, yes, you are right about that - I did not think of that at the time - but it is funny, that they have to backdoor everything and make it slower LOL - and now there will be all this pressure on them to go through a oversight labyrinth - where as, outside systems or things done overseas will not have that disadvantage.

" is possible that that from a distant galaxy we could be a implanted on Earth..."

Life on Earth is literally one living organism. All our DNA, from trees to humans, is variations on a theme. Unless life on Earth itself came from somewhere else, that genetic similarity makes it almost impossible we came from somewhere else. That's one of my most strong hurdles that advocates of ayliums need to overcome.

Another is the diversity of living forms on Earth, from octopi to beetles, to birds, shows that even when we are a single living organism we have great diversity in morphology. Numbers of legs, eyes, types of senses, ways of eating, and etc. are all quite varied across terrestrial life.

Ayliums with two arms, legs, eyes, and basic humanoid form are very unconvincing to me for that reason. The Star Trek universe was very much the result of Gene Roddenberry's theory that humanity had long ago spread across the galaxy, and all aliens were evolved from human stock, which was they were all humanoids. There were a few that weren't bipedal with a crest of hair on their heads, but there were not many.

That seems to me to be the best potential explanation for all ayliums being humanoids.

Edit: having a look at that video. Two and a half hours is a commitment, LOL.

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