
Jacinda Ardern is the perfect speaker to discuss politically generated and amplified fear. She is perhaps the pre-eminent expert on the political use of fear. She should be strung up by her garters, and first wear her guts as garters.

Interestingly, in the Glenn Greenwald tweet, he did not write 'False Flag', but 'False false'. I guess I'm not the only one that makes typos like that.

The DA in Frisco wouldn't keep the driver of the ATV that hit the guy in the gas station in jail. Why should the cops bother arresting them? It is indeed exactly like Mad Max. That's exactly how the movie franchise begins, with out of control biker gangs and violent mobs unchecked by police because the political leadership would just release them.

Didn't Lando Calrissian make Star Wars safe for Blacks? Just sayin'.

Candace Owens is right about Black Americans prior to the 'War on Poverty'. The welfare state broke the Black Family by forcing fathers out of households, who would not receive welfare money with an adult male parent in the home.

Why are they sending the illegals to big cities? They should be sending them to Alaska, Idaho, and Montana, where the tens of millions of migrants would outnumber the native populations of the states, and turn them Democrat forever.

I was watching the Mayor's face as the second guy was speaking. This is exactly the response he wanted. He could hardly contain his elation at how well the disruption of the community was working. Same thing with the woman wearing the corsage. They are deliberately destroying these communities, and the destruction has just begun. Mad Max appears to me to be a road map these Democratic politicians are following.

I predicted years ago that the influx of immigrants was happening to cause a backlash, and enable a fascist dictatorship to take power again, as it had after the degeneracy in Weimar Germany. That backlash isn't surprising. It's entirely predictable, and is clearly exactly the purpose of the open border policy.

I have observed repeatedly that Trump is a lifelong Democrat, and is being positioned by the media as the enemy of the Democratic Party. He campaigned on jailing 'Crooked Hillary', and then when in office stated the Clintons were good friends of his, and good people. There are only Democrats running for President today. RFK, Jr. was a Democrat his whole life until this campaign for the Presidency in which incumbent Biden was going to be the Democratic nominee, so he is running as an Independent. Trump is not a Republican. There are only RINOs left. America truly has a one party system today.


I would like to see a public trail myself for Jacinda Ardern - that is, she is held accountable for her actions, in a public setting with lawyers - the reason why, is there must be a clearing of the air - in an honest way. I don't think our societies can function without this - there needs to be public criminal accountability. I won't hold my breathe on that though.

About Mad Max - yeah, why should the cops bother is right. They did absolutely nothing - I mean, is that not why they have tasers, guns, etc., the least thing you would expect them to do, is tase the guy.

About the mayor - yes, indeed. They are getting off on what is happening. About Trump - you are probably right - he was for a long time. And maybe he still is, Idk. But either way - given the immigration numbers you state in the prior, it sure will be a one party state in the future. There is no way it could really be anything else.


This video had me in stitches, the funniest trump impressions over ai art of aliens at the whitehouse and biden eating bugs and making kids cry. Skip to about 1.40 and lit the hilarity ensue