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RE: news roundup

in Deep Dives19 days ago

Probably should point out the size of the pie I mean, meat pies here in new zealand - the base of it, are about the size of the inside - of your palm, like four inches - so not that large really. And that is about 8 dollars - pies in the states, that I saw, were much much larger, like deep dish or whatever. About Corey - i just can't believe people are still showing up to his tent and buying tickets, but i guess they either don't know or don't care. About the SAA, that's true - GH never did say he represented them - he is doing his own thing, as he should, because all they have done is attack him for decades.


Ah! Meat pies of the size you discuss are not what I was thinking of. Pot pies we call them here, and I do recall they are significantly less than $8, although the better brands may approach that today. They used to be a buck a pop, but that was a long, long time ago.