
I'm glad my post was found useful and instructive by you. I hope everyone that may read it also is better able to understand the world we live in.

The problem you note of the fake opposition paradigm in elections is endemic to the broken mechanism of governance that has been corrupted. The truth and fact of governance is that we govern ourselves. The stated basis of elected government is that they act on our behalf when legislating, but the fact is they do not, but serve the opposite purpose, implementing the will of our would be overlords in the enslavement of free people, because those supposed representatives are corrupt.

The solution is not to vote harder. It is to vote otherwise. We need to withdraw our support of the corrupted mechanism of government and implement direct connection and agreement with one another. The pretense that military forces protect us from our enemies is belied by the acts of those forces to subjugate us to our enemies. Nowhere is this apparent more than down under and New Zealand as standing armies, including police, are deployed to inflict that oppression slavers afflict on we free people.

It is necessary for us to preserve each other from that oppression while we transact with one another and create the blessings of civilization that are being used as bait to seduce us into accepting enslavement to overlords.

I hope ya'll can manage it. To do so you will have to directly manufacture goods and services and transact with one another outside of the mechanisms approved by would be overlords. My work has been to directly physically repair and replace the homes and appurtenances thereto of my neighbors, and I am presently devoting my wealth and fortune to acquire the means of production technological advance has recently decentralized and that are now available to individuals to produce goods and services personally, such as power, household goods, food, and tools themselves. I am also stocking up on supplies and trade goods.

I recommend to everyone to do these things as applicable to their individual circumstances.


Your right about new zealand alright - never has that more apparent than in recent events - this went semi viral in new zealand =- a lot of people sending it around - it is a negative view of the prime minster written by someone who met and talked with her in 2008 for two hours - the cliff notes is the person thinks she is evil - and explains why - link here - most of the shares are on telegram, as seen in the article, none for facebook or twitter - likely because of whatever reason censorship etc., whatever. I grew up in small town new zealand -and although there were stores, a lot of people just traded like you are talking about with each other - my father used to go and buy a lamb for home kill up the road, and we used to sell fruit from our trees etc., had our own very large garden - we only went to town for things like flour and stuff like that really - you get to know your neighbors and who has what - the local bakery, used to come to our house each week and exchange a large bag of lemons when they were in season for a bunch of bread etc., things like that -
The town I grew up in is very different today. Plus back then you could buy a house in a few years - now it would take you thirty years to buy one. There is another bubble waiting to blow up, the housing market once again.
Its great you are working to change things in your local community like that! My idea with my house truck, was always to be self sufficient - I am just going to tow it to some land somewhere one day I think and start there. Thanks!