
The only reason they released the John Hopkins study is because it coincides with Bidens released statement that he will cut cancer deaths in half or some statement of that nature I heard today but haven't look at it completely yet. Evidently he stated a date at which he will do this, a couple years or by the end of his term or something. They are looking for cover to explain away all the deaths caused by the vaccines. The recent medical study release of the vaccine starting lymphoma in someone and the second shot sending it shooting through the person body and the testimony of Dr Ryan Cole with Ron Johnson on the increase in cancers since the vaccines is driving this "I will cut cancer deaths in half and the lockdowns are what has caused the current rate of cancer deaths". None of this stuff said in the last twenty four or so hours is new news it's narrative driven new news. In essence what Biden has said today is that expect a whole hell of a lot of individuals to pass from cancer over the next to years to the point the rate will drop, the vaccines will have done killed anyone with cancer or predisposed to get cancer between now and the time he expects to say he actually was successful in his endeavor. In the meantime all these deaths will be attributed to the lockdowns. What John Hopkins said today was what has been being said by Dr Atlas as Trump took to reemerge onto the political stage a few months ago. Trump can't go back out there telling people the vaccines are big beautiful safe greatest development in history with people dropping dead so there had to be a cover for it. Atlas said exactly the same thing John Hopkins said, "we looked at all the studies" and the lockdowns increased deaths. They know their narrative is falling apart and they are bringing out the scape goat again....being it's the lockdowns fault.

I wouldn't be surprised at all that if they do go to war with Russia that within a few weeks time there will be another possibly more dangerous variant. Timing is crucial. Now Biden said some off the wall thing about if it happens it will be mid I don't know if he's talking mid term of winter or closer to the mid term elections here. You have to put the scope of the map together to try figure these things out for yourself but a lot of it depends on getting the European troops embroiled in a battle against Russia after they've already determined that Canada has succeeded in their tyranny similar to Australia, New Zeeland and others whom probably won't be involved as much with the war. If they are adamant they are going to tear everything down the US will be the last one they will bring down but that will only come after they have succeeded in breaking down the rest and/or embroiling them in a war to busy to come to the defenses of the US. I believe to break down the US they know another round of biological weaponry will be needed. So they hand out all those mask to try and protect those who are going along with this nonsense as best they can while they try and tear down the remainders who aren't. I know that's just my opinion and take on it because I don't feel they've come this far just to let it go. I may be wrong but at this point all the cards have to be out on the table.

Yeah, they are already trying to also splice "lockdowns" or staying home with heart attacks - also they are saying, seen it today that people who don't use heaters are likely to have more heart attacks - and so on and so forth - there is no doubt that the priming is going to be there for years and then when the dates come of more heart attacks measured in the data, people's minds will already believe it was the fact they did not use their heater enough that caused it or whatever - it will be normal to them - you could be right about the marks, who reallyl knows - i think you are right about the untied states being the one thing on table they will get rid of last though - that will take more time, although its falling apart right now from within - New Zealand is just a sheep, you could lead it anywhere and it would follow - proved by the last two years - Australia, will take time - they have more fight in them than new zealand - about the second round of bio weapons, its possible. No doubt. Something is in the works. Thanks!

New Zealand is just a sheep, you could lead it anywhere and it would follow.

It would be funny under any other circumstances.

New Zealand is just a sheep, you could lead it anywhere and it would follow.

It would be funny under any other circumstances.