What do Venezuelans to buy food / My study case

in Deep Dives4 years ago




Social and economical reality in Venezuela is very complex,to me our hiperpolitization and political confrontation has inmerse us in a bipolar game of opinions and emotional relief through criticism: we the good people vs evil people. This is a dead end.


Venezuela Inflation Rate MoM2008-2020 Data | 2021-2022 Forecast | Historical

But what have in common all venezuelan? Well, besides livinsg in Venezuela, we need to buy food as the rest of the world. I mean regular people.

To buy food in Venezuela

We don´t feed from prana, at least most of us do not do it. Some of them can go to the supermarket, those whose have more money off course, because in supermarket you can find almost everything and you don´t loose time going from here to there. And if you have your car it is a relatevely easy task.



Until about 2012 there was a lot prosperity, substained by the petrolium rent, whose prices were the highest of market ever. Now days, those of them that don´t have enough money buy on trucks and minimarket places on the street, they need more time to do their purchases, they buy more frecuently, in less quantities and could spend more.

So the Supermarkets has became a thermometer of social classes. You need to have money to spend on a supermarket, it does not worthy to go to buy a few products, is confortable but it is expensive. It became inaccesible for average people.

Until about 2012 there was a lot of prosperity for comon people, this abundance of food and resources were substained by the petrolium rent, whose prices were the highest of market known ever and created an artificial bublle of abundance, while we were not producting more food or diversifiyng the economy. Historically for a sector bussiness is import and the dollar market, now in 2020 is more evident.


Venezuela Crude Oil Production1973-2020 Data

To fill full a supermarket shopping cart you need at least about a hundred dolar bill for a only person to buy food for a month. But here it comes the contradiction, if you work for the public administration your salary oscillates between $2.5 and $20. I earn $4 per month, I got university degree, but as many people I´m not living from a salary.

Also a regular strategy to popular sectors buy food and all kind of stuff with buhoneros and bachaqueros, they are in middle of the street to sell you from a harina pan package to medicines, clothes among others.

On the other hand street jobs gives more money than formal jobs, same happens with internet jobs. So a part of the people, including me are living from a serie of economical informal activity: receiving divisas from our family who lives out of the country, internet jobs as I mentioned, barter or different interchange forms.

We recieve from the goverment some social subvensions per family, like a box of food and bonuses in promedium $2 to $5 per person .
Aditional information, on street a box of food cost $10 - $15, it depends on the products its contain. For a 4 people family members it can last almost a week, so you need 3 more boxes to eat in a month, and there are missing animal proteins, fruits or vegetables.

By the way Venezuelan people enjoy eat a lot, and to eat food is very important in our local imaginary.

For talking about informal jobs is necesary to understand where from we get our money to buy food. As a sociologyst , I´m also delivery in bike, is one of the trhee jobs I have, I can ride from 50 to 100 kms to earn $6 - $12 per day. In my alternative job I take time to ask people in informal interviews what do they do for living, and how much they earn. Venezuelans are very comunicative people. I have interviewed about 500 people in 4 month in quarantene.

Results of my informal interviews

  • A graphic designer can earn $40 - $1000 per month

  • A telephone operator earn $40 - $100 per month

  • A man on the streets taking care cars can earn in promedium $30 daily (this is amazing).

  • A delivery man in moto can earn from $5 to $50 per day.

  • A bachaquero and buhonero (people who sell food on street) can gain a lot of money if we compare it with other people jobs, about $300 to $1000 per month.

  • A temporary worker (of whatever)cost between $5 and $10 per day.

  • A person to clean your house $5 - $10 per day.

  • Medical appointment $30 - $300 it depends on the speciallity.

  • A ride in taxi at least $10

  • Receiving divisas from our family who lives out of the country, from $25 to $100 in popular sectors. Grandmothers are in charge of grandchildren while their parent are out of the country.

It´s a world of freelancer work. it´s a world of referred work. Everybody is working the whole month, no weekends, no quarenteens, no anything. You need to eat, you need to work. Covid-19 has just getting worse our situation. For example I used to work as a social investigator and I can not work until 2021 maybe, depending on when goverment agencies or international cooperation release their resources or there are conditions to work on it. So it is a time of challenges, you need to have many skills if you want to succed.

My personal conclusion

With our hiperinflation it´s difficult tried to understand how venezuelans survive. But I tell you something, the secret is that users and consumers have had to privatize their own domestic economy, territory and the social relations, in order to produce welfare and having enough to at least eating.

There is still a lot of money in our economy moving from here to there, $14.3 trillion worth of natural resources and also has the second-largest reserves of gold deposits.

Venezuela Gold Reserves 2000-2020 Data

Thanks for reading my post. If you want to know more about Venezuela , leave me a comment.


Thank you for providing us with this unique insight into the current situation in Venezuela. Honestly, it´s quite heartbreaking to see how bad the people of this beautiful country need to struggle to survive... Now I can understand why there are so many Venezuelans here on Hive desperately trying to earn some little extra money by blogging. Stay strong people of Venezuela.

Let me nominate this post to my latest upvote giveaway for better visibility and get you some support from TipU.

@tipu curate

Thank you @phortum it´s a sort of tragedy, but our social character and our creativy have been helping us to survive, we are a very creativity people.

I think is totally cruelty what they do to us, but it has teached us how to be resilient. Most people don´t care about politicians, they are trying to bring food to their homes. We gathering money from different ways but it is a daily work.

You can not make future planifications, it is just the present, a daily struggle as you said.

Our social character is joyfull and helpfull, we can make jokes from the cruelest things and find humor on it. Thats our mental health medicine against the political ficction.

You are an amazing nation. All the best and kind regards from the Czech Republic.

Thank u!
All the best and kind regards too from Venezuela.