Where Are We Headed?

in Deep Dives10 months ago (edited)

I tend to not spend much time, paying attention to what is happening on the news. Because you rarely get a true representation of what is actually happening in the real world. There is way too much divisive tactics at play for me. So most of what you hear, is very one sided. Promoted, to support the narrative of those who fund the media.


But as a mother of three girls, its important for me to be aware, I can choose not to take part in whatever version of reality that the media, tries to push on us, but at one point my girls will choose their own path.

I've brought my girls up to celebrate diversity, to be respectful of others and to support those who are in need. (Those, meaning any life forms.) Values that I think are important and ones that mean a lot to me.

I really dislike the use of labels or anything else that creates division, amongst us humans. But right now, we are living in a world, where all our differences are being used to divide us. Be it our gender, our lifestyle, the way in which we think, our beliefs.

Unless you express what is being pushed as popular opinion, then you are in the wrong and labelled accordingly. The world of free speech is really getting crushed right now. Where you can't even have open discussions anymore.

I see a world, where we are sliding towards the extreme. Where the whole concept of what it is to be a woman and a man is being reconstructed. By the hands of a few.


Image taken from Telegram.

I read an article last week, where it was being suggested that the word vagina, be replaced by the term 'bonus hole', so as to be more inclusive.
I'm sorry but my sacred Yoni/Vagina, is not a bonus hole.

I didn't birth my girls through a bonus hole! If this is the new reality, I want off this train, now.

Where are all the hard core feminists now! When one of the most sacred parts of a woman is under attack. Makes you wonder about a lot of things and how we have been sold a lot of different ideas, that just continue to push the divide. I have a lot to say about the whole Feminist movement but that's for another post.

On top of that, is the whole toxic masculinity story. Yes some people are toxic for sure, male and female, but that term has men believing that have to water themselves down. That they have to hide certain parts of themselves.

For sure aggression and abuse should never be tolerated, ever. But certain male qualities, have become twisted, so that any sight of a powerful man, is deemed inappropriate. Of course I'm saying this from a female perspective, but I can see how it is an uncomfortable subject for some.

I'm all for equality, but I also know that as a woman, I fulfill certain roles, better than men and vice versa. I really believe that and that is why, it worries me where the world is headed.

We need strong men and strong women in the world. Instead, I find people questioning what a women really is? Hmm it really does make me wonder where we are headed.




Thank you for sharing your words my friend, I couldn't agree more - you've inspired me to post a corresponding series of articles that have been gathering dust for a few months. I'll be back. X

Hello @perceptualflaws, its been too long. I hope all is well?
I really look forward to reading your posts, please let me know when you post them xxxxx

It's Transhumanism and it's their new religion. Breaking down what is natural so it can be rebuilt, making themselves gods. I wish it wasn't true, but it is.

My faith grounds me so even though I know and dread what is coming, I will not give in. I will never allow my wife & daughters to be belittled by someone calling them chest feeders, menstrators, or bonus holes. A large portion of the non-western world will not buy into this either. I just hope the West wakes up too.

Yes it is mainly in the Western World that this is being pushed. I find those terms so degrading. How dare the mother be belittled like that. It really does upset me.
And this is only a small part of the madness in the world today.
Stay Strong @rt395 xxx

Bonus hole? Oh my God, how did I miss such an article... I'd say this has got too far, but we're past that... On the other hand, in my language we have some very colorful swear expression concerning the above-mentioned bonus hole which would apply quite well to whoever came up with such a demented idea.
Makes you wonder what sort of twisted world our children are going to live in...

I was so enraged reading it.
The world needs kids who are strong and grounded, who can see past all the bull and create the best world for themselves.
Our kids are so important @ladyrebecca xxxx

Oh I wish I could give you a hug right now. I totally agree with you. The division is so crazy at the moment and with the new movements that are being pushed to hysteria, things like this are becoming the norm. Bonus hole? Are you fucking serious? That is just demeaning and wrong on so many levels. I also hate the term Cis woman but I'm not allowed to have an opinion because I fall into that category according to them.

As for feminism, I think it actually did women a big disservice as a movement because again, it's was taken to the extreme. It's probably one of the reasons that the strong men left out there aren't saying much about this whole saga, they've already had to deal with feminism and it generally didn't go well for them.

I can only imagine how hard it is for parents to try and protect their kids from this ideology in schools, apparently many people are taking their kids out of schools to prevent that kind of indoctrination. I don't blame them, I think you raising your girls the way you are is so much more wholesome. 💚

Yes to everything you said.
The Feminist movement was mostly orchestred, to create an even bigger divide between the sexes.
It was also an attack on the whole family unit, I know I won't have many fans saying that, but that's what I believe.
I'm all for equal rights, equaL pay etc, that's how they pushes it, but their was such a bigger agenda at plan.
I've so much to say on that.
I hope you are keeping well Emma xxxxx

Yes, an attack on the family unit for sure. There have been studies done on that (although these days studies also don't mean what they used to because "science" has been perverted) which have shown that what they call "broken families" are one of the largest contributors to mental illness, potential behavioural issues and the like. The old fashioned family values have largely been lost in the latest generations and I don't really know what it will look like in the next few decades.

I'm doing alright Aishlinn, thank you. Hope you are too. Hugs 🦋

It's bonkers...the way things have gone in the name of...in the name of...umm..equality/inclusion/diversity? There's an agenda and it's causing a rapid decline.

How easily certain words get twisted.
If anything it's a very interesting time to be alive, I mean some stuff is so ridiculous, I don't know if I should laugh or cry. Xx

I don't have the answers, hopefully someone way smarter than me has though.

Bonus hole... Gosh those people scare me ! I'm adopting bit by bit the same mood and move toward the news. Or away I must say :) Those are such brain disturbers and I prefer to focus entirely on what I see of reality, even if I still look a bit independent journalists on Telegram too.. Love that image you found btw !

I hope and your girls are doing well, is your older still in Japan ?


Yes I don't want to focus on these things, but awareness is so important. There is no way, terms like that will be part of my reality.
We're all well thanks and yes my eldest is still in Japan.
Thank you @anttn xxxx

There is no way, terms like that will be part of my reality.

I definitely agree on that ! Plus there's a all bunch coming actually..!

Good, I hope everything is fine for her, take good care dear @trucklife-family 😘

What is a woman.

It is something that all the leftists feminists and idiots cannot even tell you. In fact they cannot define it and they can't define anything because they have no education or real knowledge.

We need to support women. We need to support women and girls sports. This entire trans agenda that allows for the destruction of women's sports as well as women themselves?

It is coming from the same people that are supporting the entire toxic masculinity thing. We absolutely need masculinity we absolutely need femininity we absolutely need the roles and traditionalism. And the human race absolutely needs children to continue going forward.

The biggest thing is the gay and lesbian movement promised that they were going to be 18 plus and it was only consenting adults and now they have broken that promise and now they are openly admitting that they are coming for the children.

Which is a total attack on traditionalism.

You cannot be tolerant with an agenda that is designed to destroy your family.

You have an excellent post and you are very intelligent. I can see you fighting for your family.