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RE: The hoax of electric cars

in Deep Diveslast year

I was involved in the free energy community 20 years ago and am well aware of the situation and of the people who have been murdered trying to deliver truly free alternatives, such as engines that run on water. I am not ignorant of these things, I am simply focusing on the topic of oil vs electricity, since that is where the dynamic of the commercial world is stuck at present. In reality, there is no 'best' technology because all of these technologies - even the totally clean ones - are a replacement for the allowance of the development of our own internal energy, which is the actual source of creation.

So I am not 'pro electric car' per se, I simply know that the electric car option is better for us - once mature - than the oil one is. The lithium batteries are likely only a temporary design and there are alternatives that are more efficient and that don't use lithium already on the way to market.

Yes, the same shady groups control most/all large corporations and no we should not trust them to be operating in our best interests. None the less, we are using cars.

It is estimated that we currently have something like 18.5 billion cell phones on earth ( Using the measure of lithium you quoted, that roughly equates to 888 million KG of lithium within them.

It is estimated that a Tesla batter has between 5 and 75kg of Lithium (depending on the model):

If we take a figure near the top end, of around 60kg per car, then this equates to roughly 14.8M Telsas to equal the amount of lithium in the cell phones currently in use. In 2022 just over 10M EVs were delivered globally (across all manufacturers), but they don't all use that much lithium.

If we add in the other electric devices that use Lithium batteries, it seems possible that very roughly, the total EVs might use less than the other devices combined at this point. Ultimately, it is less important whether cars or computers use the most than it is to understand the damage being done and how it can be fixed. However, I just make this point to highlight that it is entirely relevant to compare these two technology types if you are trying to frame one as being terrible and the other as irrelevant.

I agree that overall pollution is more of a concern than CO2 and I agree that there are huge lies being told in this regard. The truth gets denied 10 times in a news article or news show before I even have time to open my mouth.

Despite all of the downsides and challenges, I am still pretty clear that on balance the electric option is the safer when compared to oil.