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RE: 100% downvote on this post from acidyo an hour ago

in Deep Dives3 years ago

Your pretense that flagging isn't censorship reveals the essential deception that underlies your use of the position of witness to censor speech you personally disagree with, despite that VP being availed you for your defense of the chain that potentiates that speech.

I reckon you should stick to your knitting or resign your position as you are abusing it. If you aren't competent to use the dictionary definition to support your position on what is or isn't censorship, I've no interest in delivering VP to you, especially when you fail to grasp that the single most valuable aspect of Hive is free speech - not it's token. The worse censorship becomes elsewhere, the more valuable free speech becomes. That's what gives the token value in a world flooded with tokens.

Free speech is literally a life and death issue in a great many ways, and pretense that speech translated into Assembly language isn't censorship is a load of bollocks. People can die because of censorship, and some may already have because Hive has allowed too much of it.

The gravy train you ride is availed solely because of free speech. The reason Hive didn't long ago surpass BTC in valuation is because of censorship and dissembling about it.

Don't kill the goose laying golden eggs.