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RE: The 2020 Election took place under an active executive order ! ...The biggest troll of all time?

in Deep Dives4 years ago (edited)

"...i have no clue what the actual ramifications are, or whether Chump is good or bad."

The essence of my comment is that there is not any reasonable basis to believe that Trump is good. Either he is impotent or he is corrupt IMHO. There is no two legged stool, so the globalists have at least a three legged stool.

This is why I end noting the existence of four legged stools: you and I are legs upon which society rests. The point of four legged stools is that if one leg breaks, you still have a three legged stool. Given reasonable extrapolation of my stool analogy to society, society has a ~7 billion legged stool, and if the few legs of corporations and governments break, the stool still has plenty of legs to stand on - if we are competent to handle our business without them.

Most people are not so competent in practice, and the legs they represent in this analogy break when those legs they are dependent on break because they are too weak to support even themselves without them, much less robust society.

In practice we who would be free must be robust legs that do not depend on corporations or government to support us. No matter politics then, society will remain superable when that support is conditioned on subjection to overlords. Freedom is not granted but created.

Free men make their freedom, and that is the only reason they are free.