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RE: COVID-19 Tests Don't Actually Test for COVID-19?

in Deep Dives4 years ago

I'd like to see papers describing the specific tests being used. Without that information we have no way of knowing what tests are being given. The reports that China in particular was producing as many as 7 false negatives before producing positive result for individuals clearly showing symptoms of covid-19 suggests the tests they were using (since they're not testing anymore, per reports out of China lately) were very specific, since tests for any coronavirus, or for exosomes which can be false positives for a broad spectrum of illnesses, would produce far too many positives instead.

There are specific tests I have read are used, antigen tests that reveal if the person has been exposed to SARS-cov-2 by looking for antibodies to it, or PCR tests, which seek viral RNA that is present in folks currently suffering multiplication of SARS-cov-2. I have not heard of an exosome test, or any others, however multiple tests of varying accuracy are in use today, and who is using what isn't commonly mentioned by any source.



Here is a source describing the kits and their methods of testing

Here is additional technical information on the RdRp gene PCR and sequencing assay which PHO Laboratory has adapted to be specific for COVID-19 virus detection

And, here are more details about the real-time PCR used at PHO Laboratory for COVID-19 testing.



Yeah I don't know how accurate the claims of exosome testing are. I was sharing the video for consideration and thought about the whole issue. I would think they wouldn't be so inept, but then again... lol The PCR tests work correctly?

What I've read is that Germany, S. Korea, and some others have very accurate tests, but the CDC wanted to make it's own and profit therefrom, and it's efforts have been utterly inept.

WTH is the CDC, or any government agency, doing competing with private industry to begin with?