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RE: The Latin American Report # 234: massive student demonstration against "libertarian" cutbacks in Argentina

in Deep Dives2 months ago

What needs to happen is that Argentina's economy is delinked from it's government, that Argentines themselves become the engine that creates their wealth, their goods and services they depend on to enjoy the blessings of civilization, and not the government. Dependence on overlords is always an invitation to penury. Producing yourself your necessities is always a route to prosperity. The problem Argentina has is that their dependence on government has been severed, but they have no infrastructure to produce themselves their necessities. Absent provision of information on aquaponics, gardening, and growing their food, inability to afford groceries will cause starvation. Absent provision on information on how to manufacture the household goods, the cups and napkins, socks and cutlery, people need to live in civilized fashion, inability to afford such items at markets will cause their descent into Stone age conditions. Absent information on how to educate themselves, on Khan academy and the vast free educational resources available online, inability to afford university will plunge them into ignorance and nescience of the very tools modern technology is providing them to better themselves their lives.

In all these circumstances, the failure of Milei to provide any alternative to dependence while cutting off dependents is creating outrage and the only possibility of addressing their problems is to protest, riot, and commit violent revolution. If Milei has to flee Argentina because of these protests, it will be his fault, because he has failed to enable Argentina to produce it's way out of dependence on government handouts.



For a long time, I have favored a welfare approach, but I have been adhering more and more to this idea in which more than assisting we must provide people in vulnerable conditions with the necessary tools to succeed by themselves, both in theoretical and practical terms. This debt is shameful at this stage of humanity. In Cuba, the government begins to talk in this direction.

Let's hope people attain to the tools to provide their own felicity instead of depending on masters for their necessities.