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RE: The Latin American Report # 235

in Deep Dives2 months ago

I am extremely optimistic. I am confident that humanity has faced worse cataclysms than some rich guys trying to take over the world, and through all the various catastrophes humanity has survived we have arrived here, where the keys to the kingdom are at hand. Table top manufacturing of almost every product you can name, new technologies allowing individual households to grow their own food, manufacture their own household goods, and manufacture their house itself, and to do this with Space age technology and emergent 3D printed spacecraft.

We face some struggles, but I find it almost impossible to expect humanity to fail to acquire and deploy these decentralized means of production, because they offer security from known threats. When the food supply is being so mismanaged that despite making significantly more food than we require to feed us all, a significant portion of our population is starving, or facing severe food insecurity. When our overlords state publicly that by controlling food they can control us, in a world in which there are too many examples of people helpless to counter food insecurity, it is unimaginable to me that we who have access to the tools and resources won't rapidly adopt means of growing food with aquaponics, if necessary.

Humanity has regularly experienced famines. Climate changes have desertified areas that were formerly verdant croplands, and the populations that lived there have moved or died. People that will grow food will live, and people that do not will not live. Then, everyone left will be growing food, and the famine will end. When we have seen famines in history, they usually don't last long because of this. That control Kissinger claims comes from food insecurity doesn't last long, and I don't think a group that used starvation as a weapon would long survive the end of the famine.

Essentially, I am optimistic because I am not going to be helpless, and I will help others to not be helpless as well, and I am confident that many competent people live today that will be competent to live through any political upheaval. We may live through historic times, but people with merit will live through them, and when we come out the other side we will have capabilities to create wealth and felicity inconceivable to us today.