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RE: The Latin American Report # 237

in Deep Dives2 months ago

It seems to me that all of this violence is caused by too many unarmed people being available to victimize. The last story of the enraged citizens doing in seven robbers confirms to me that were more unarmed victims armed, there'd be a lot less murderous violence.



I missed this feedback somehow. I would like a society with fewer guns, even better without guns. But considering the incapacity of security forces to guarantee life where organized crime is enthroned, and claim victory over it, I think it is a plausible argument that people who are usually cannon fodder should have something to actively defend themselves with. Anyway, self-defense groups in the region derailed themselves over time, or were born ill. Thanks for sharing this point.

"I would like a society with fewer guns, even better without guns."

When we can have a society without evil, without crime, without lapse of virtue of any of it's members, or any threats - at all - from without, then we can have a society without personal arms. But you would not like that society.

It is hardship, opposition, and hazards that create our strengths. We have strength of will to overcome impediments. We have skin to prevent pathogens from consuming us. A perfectly peaceful universe will transform us into jellies in vats, without intelligence, without bones, without skin - and without any purpose whatsoever.

Government, the security forces you seem to want to be the only armed forces that exist, is organized crime. Every governmental edict is oppression. Every tax is theft. Every law is slavery. Within a century humanity will have the option to live without any government at all, in habitats crafted by themselves at a place in space they choose where they develop free resources at their whim, and no army can come with guns to force them to obey any law, pay any tax, or agree to any dictate. People will have the option to be utterly, completely free, and as prosperous as they choose by developing the almost limitless resources just sitting there, unowned, unclaimed, unmarked by environmental concerns. Their only limits will be themselves. The combination of AI automating development, solar and nuclear power, 3D printing of structures and machinery, and aquaponics availed CRISPR to create every nutrient, food, or pharmaceutical desirable, creates the ability to go anywhere and build anything anyone wants, and because armies cannot square off against a diaspora, no law or government can be imposed on people in space.

I am absolutely certain there will be lots of things that happen in those circumstances I will vehemently disapprove of. But what they do with their freedom will be none of my business, nor yours, nor any junta, cabal, or political party's. What I do with my freedom will be my only business, and the same for you and everyone else, which is as it should be.

There will never be a society in the foreseeable future that does not face threats, and there will therefore never be a society that is rational and helpless. The best we can hope for is societies that are capable of devastating lethality against any potential enemy, yet utterly dedicated to the felicity and happiness of people that are not enemies. That is what I hope for, armed and dangerous people dedicated to the felicity and happiness of everyone that does not seek to harm them. An unarmed people is a helpless people, and we can see what always happens to helpless people in a world with evil psychopaths in it: they are slaughtered, their land and possessions taken, their children raped and enslaved.

I'm against being slaughtered, impoverished, and my children being raped and enslaved, so I support being armed, and more dangerous than any enemy that threatens. The only group that should be delegated the power of self defense is everyone. Any restriction on the right to keep and bear arms ends up empowering the unrestricted to slaughter and enslave the restricted.

If you cannot be good, you cannot be permitted by society to be armed. If you cannot be armed, you cannot be free. If you cannot be free, you are a slave. Free people are armed people. It is their force of arms that makes them free, as it always has, and it always will. Societies of good people have always existed as societies of armed free people, and no other kind of freedom has ever existed, or will ever exist. There have always been evil people that will harm good people if they can, and this is why good people can only exist if they are free, armed, and dangerous.

"Be always sure you are right, then go ahead."--Davy Crockett

I agree point by point, especially with the philosophical approach to life. When I spoke of State security forces being efficient in fighting crime I was thinking of ones that were as clean as possible, although it may seem innocent to conceive such behavior. I understand that today they are colluded and corrupted, or that they constitute in themselves the very source of evil or its repressive expression. I'm reading something about Davy Crockett, an interesting life. Thanks for your always sound feedback.