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RE: Study Suggests 80% of People Allegedly Infected with COVID-19 Have No Antibodies, Were They Even Infected?

in Deep Dives4 years ago

" If I murder someone, I'm responsible for their death. It doesn't mean I own them."

Yes, it does. You are exercising the right to dispose of your property as you see fit, as if they were cattle. That's why murder is a crime, and selling steaks is not. People are sovereigns, and cattle are property.

I recall you claiming to work in some field involved in research. I must miss recall. Apologies.

Saying the things Bill Gates has repeatedly publicly said regarding vaccination, his decades long massive focus on vaccination and recent public speaking tour, and his political clout gained at the point of immense financial thrusts into the pharmaceutical industry, particularly vaccine development, is not the equivalent of casual conversation over cocktails.

Your comment was completely self-contradictory, the latter part utterly refuting the former. Other than that you derided my own statement that Gates intends to forcibly vaccinate everyone in the world, I would be unable to ascertain what your position actually was.

My sense is that you will gladly line up to get your DNA altering vaccine. I assure you that after you are a GMO, you will no longer have sovereign rights. You will have become property. This is proven by case law in which Monsanto repeatedly and successfully seized the assets of farmers whose crops were pollinated by pollen from patented GMOs owned by Monsanto.

If you allow your DNA to be modified by Gate's patented vaccine, you will become property of Gates. Worse, those farmers didn't choose to pollinate their crops with Monsanto pollen. Monsanto dispersed that pollen across their fields, forcibly pollinating the farmer's crops. You'd choose to become the property of Bill Gates by voluntarily accepting DNA altering vaccine.

Early in my life someone I know was murdered by agents of the state, in order to take assets which they subsequently sold.

That is when I learned that murder is a form of slavery.


Yes, it does. You are exercising the right to dispose of your property

This seems rather unnuanced and twisted. for example, there are several degrees of murder. One of which is premeditated, another is more heat-of-the-moment. I don't think anyone in a passionate murder is thinking to themselves 'i consider you property, thus I can dispose of m y property as anything else' - no, they get emotional.

Where in any legal document does it say murder is illegal for any reasons related to property? I mean, I could be wrong I'm no lawyer, but I find it excessively unlikely. humans just don't typically think on that wavelength when they take these actions.

Even if that was the case, how can you extrapolate from that to 'I own the person I murdered, murder is a form of slavery'?

Your sense is somewhat correct, in that I don't consider GMO a bad thing at all. You are probably aware that almost everything you consume and enjoy, including any pets you might have, are GMO.

Jumping from being sovereign to not, based on a vaccine, sorry it's just totally nonsensical. how does that connect to Monsanto and farming crops? how does that 'prove' the previous statement that once I get a vaccine, I lose my rights?

Your rights are a privilege and those privileges can be taken away if ever needed. You could kill yourself first, but if they get to you before you manage, then you're screwed. If you think the only thing threatening your freedoms is bill gates, then you have a very optimistic view of your situation. Any country can - and has numerous times in the past - moved from a free state of human rights, to an oppressive regime with zero rights, and there's nothing the citizens of those countries, or their children, could do about it, other than dying.

So, I would worry and obsess less about absurdities with no proof such as vaccines removing my right to vote, and more on political reform assuring a government lacks military and legislatural powers to do what you're so afraid of them doing.

Probably impossible though.

Also, [Citation needed] - for the bill gates forcing comment. Again, I said he didn't say it, then I simply pondered that its feasible he could have said it under some context. The idea here was for you to then present me with evidence backing up that claim. Instead, you are just picking at the fact that i was typing in a stream-of-consciousness. That ain't an argument

Once you have been genetically modified and are a patented life form, you, as precedent has been long set in the courts by the predations of Monsanto, become property of the patent holder.

Plus, what could folks know of the modifications that are engineered into the injections? Mayhap covert research has enabled them to love their subjection after a bit of tinkering. You may be happy to give up your humanity itself for the blessing of the favor of the opinions of your fellow cattle, but free and sovereign persons will not.

Each of us is born with our inherent qualities, our fingers, the color of our eyes, and the solitary option to will themselves to act. No one else has that power to work their limbs, to decide for them what to do or like. Those inherent behavioural qualities are their sole right to undertake, not privileges granted by the agreement of their neighbors.

"...Your rights are a privilege..."

Yep. You caught the Communism.

You do not, nor does anyone else, grant me the inherent qualities and the power to exercise them at will I was born with. Should you try to enforce that false claim, you will see just how false it is, because I will not accede, nor grant you any such privilege to command me whatsoever you may claim or think to intend, good or ill.

That is freedom, and I commend you to it's tender mercies, far more tender, though perennially hard and severe, than those of masters like you suffer in Beijing. Better to die than be enslaved, though only you die free.