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RE: Supporter Video | ideological subversion now “the new normal”

in Deep Dives4 years ago

You, as always, hit a lot of nails on the heads. Many people are secured in their padded, echo chambers, and hear only a particular narrative. Media organizations provide separate narratives to multiple populations. HRC supporters, Bernouts, Trump MAGAts. Because they only are availed a limited information base, each group can only understand their view. The rest of the world, anyone not in their group, seems insane.

This is why I sample some of those narratives. I dip my ears into the Trump narrative, the HRC narrative, etc., so that I can be sure I am not being psychologically controlled through limiting the information I perceive.

Great video on ideological manipulation and control. It's the status quo now in the West. The free world has become the mentally manipulated world. Freedom is the worst crime in the world.

Were it possible, and it could be, but I have no capacity to do it, to coordinate civilians to form community defense groups that could successfully prevent organized gangs of armed criminals from taking over their communities, then I would be absolutely in favor of not just reforming the police, but utterly eliminating them.

The only problem I see with that is corporate and criminal gangs would be funded to assault those communities without police immediately, and people are so mentally trapped in their padded echo chambers they are incompetent to prepare for handling their business and securing their communities against armed assault.

I almost am convinced it should be done wherever possible anyway, as such assaults would quickly enable survivors to exit those bubbles and become competent. While there would be loss of life, many people would be set free from their mental VR existence, set free from the Matrix, to their great benefit.



Yeah, I think it is a major issue - because it seems to be hard, if not impossible, to get people's critical thinking skills back. Everyone will be set, on a path, permanently ideological. Maybe there is some deprogramming, but I am not sure how long it would take. Regarding police - i am of the same opinion probably just better to get rid of them, because the replacement will be largely ideologically driven people with potions of power with firearms like Hitler's Browncoats- better to downgrade the police over time if they going in that direction and then replace with community groups working with everyone in the community with firearms training etc., - although that would take years in the cities - easier in small towns etc., - sadly though since people are largely ideologically subverted, I dont think they would have the mental firewall in order to not be led and taken advantage of with an ideological police force which I am pretty sure is what is gong to happen. The police force will not be removed, but will be replaced with ideological enforcers.

I am sure you're right. Better a few firefights with Pinkerton's than permanent subjugation to them IMHO. Folks in less urban areas are far better prepared to provide their own security IME, and more than willing to share that expertise with any that want to gain it. I don't think it would take long to secure even leftist hellholes.

Better to suffer the cost of doing so than suffer the cost of being property.