
H. denisova are thought to have averaged over 7' in height. Native Americans have been shown to have admixed with H. denisova, as have E. Asians and Oceanians. There are thought to have been two subspecies, or races, of H. denisova, the Siberian and the Oceanic. The Australian aborigines, Papuan tribes, and Philippine Negritos have been shown to still retain up to 6% of Denisovan DNA, and these ethnic groups feature certain traits, resembling Subsaharan Africans in their skin tone, facial features, and hair.

Native American legends of the Lovelock giants describe them as red haired and very pale skinned, resembling the appearance of the gods Inca and Aztecs said brought their cultures the gifts of civilization. The early Pharoahs of Egypt were blue eyed and red or fair haired, as were the Annunaki that brought civilization to the Mesopotamian region, according to their mythos.

In Denisova cave, where the first remains of H. denisova were found, there was also found a bracelet of polished stone initially reported to be ~60k years old (now ~40k), which demonstrated an incredible level of technical skill, including boring through stone to produce the hole, apparently to attach a charm or something to the bracelet.

DenisovaBracelet.jpg IMG source -

In Egypt have been found very hard stone vases, bowls, and jars that have been obviously machined on a lathe, as well as with CNC tools, dating back ~30k years (from a pre-dynastic site now underwater due to damming of the Nile), found in abundance as well in the stepped pyramid at Saqqara (tens of thousands of items, most of which were broken and have been buried in the sand as refuse).

A find in Zambia of a timber framed structure preserved in water saturated sand below a waterfall dating back an incredible ~478kya suggests that before H. sapiens had evolved humans were building complex structures.

Taken together, these archaeological finds suggest H. denisova had attained a technological level of sophistication rivaling our present tech.


I have no doubt there is advanced tech in the past - and also that any strong evidence that is found is aptly covered up - hence we have to piece things together from all over - investigate ourselves. The lie must be maintained.

Regarding H. Denisova - I had heard about them before, but don't know much, to be honest. (I have read about the quotes you mentioned though, about the pale people - "who came with writing and language" that is across culture - that is a uni myth - that is everywhere - which makes it very interesting, and most likely true - it's like the flood. Which of course, the great flood was real - at least in my opinion.)

But about Denisova, I certainly did not know they were so tall. I had heard about the red-haired people - and their links to Egypt - some people say they were the original/real Tribe of Judah - the RH Negative people. Others link the redheads back to the original bloodline of the divine - such as certain mystic schools - which display such in commissioned art. It is a very interesting rabbit hole - the truth is probably in there somewhere if you can just peel back enough lies and warping of reality by the machine (or "Truth's protective layers," as Armstrong put it).

One of the groups of people who have the highest rates of RH Negative blood type - no primal ancestor - are redheads. You probably know all about that, of course, but I have always found that interesting. And with that, of course, there are many other rabbit holes.


<"You probably know all about that..."

I did not. I just am extremely interested in human evolution, history, and civilization, and my research into Denisovans eventually has intersected with the several rabbit holes you mention above. The involvement of Ales Hrdlicka of the Smithsonian Institute in the disappearance of numerous skeletons found in mounds in the USA is pretty blatant. More than 1000 reports of skeletons over 7' tall were published in the 19th Century, and Hrdlicka was funded and positioned to be the guy to contact for such reports. Skeptics about the concealment of such artifacts can find other examples much more recent, such as the US Parks Dept. burning artifacts and remains in the 1970s.

History is full of holes, and it turns out they're all rabbit holes.