More 'Breakthrough' Hospitalizations and Deaths in Vaccinated

in Deep Dives3 years ago

Reports from Maine show the ineffectiveness of the new covid vaccines to stop death and prevent hospitalization. Maine’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed 457 breakthrough cases, which only accounts for hospitalizations or deaths. Of which 8 are deaths.


Contrary to the non-vaccinated where cases are counted as anyone testing positive with PCR test positive result. With breakthrough cases of the vaccinated, the CDC is only counting hospitalizations and deaths with a PCR test positive results.

The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) reported 5,723 breakthrough cases in California as of June 9. Of which 417 people were hospitalized and at least 47 died.

It looks like people with certain medical conditions aren't generating many or any antibodies after receiving these vaccinations which purport to do such. A study from JAMA found 46% of transplant patients they studied didn't produce an antibody response after two doses of either mRNA vaccines from Moderna or Pfizer.

Meanwhile, the world pushes forward with the illusion of these vaccines preventing you from being infected and preventing death. In places like Israel, the push for vaccine passports will be denied to those with a natural long-lasting immunity from having contracted covid-19.


Antibody tests are as fraudulent as PCR and they know it.

OK. I thought they used PCR tests here, just less cycles to produce less test positives.

If these state agencies are aware of these breakthroughs, hospitalizations, and deaths, why is no one speaking out? This the biggest question I have. Why are they allowing this to continue?

Authoritarians in power. In some hospitals, nurses are told they can't speak about what is going on inside or else they will be fired. Gotta keep the illusion alive.

Most politicians are brainless half-wits who memorize propaganda in schools then don't read another independent news source for the rest of their lives. They are critically incompetent by design.

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A couple sentences, 2 links, and a borrowed photo...... not much of a deep dive.
