
Hard to tell the difference between the shaggy rug-pulls and the "real thing". There are so many cryptos, not enough time to really investigate all of them. Maybe someday there will be a MASSIVE rug-pull and even trusted crytos may come tumbling down. Especially when all those kids in basements panic and sell off all their HODL's.

Looking at the chart... maybe baby musk is a buy? :-)

If you're not yet familiar with the Token Sniffer website, bookmark it now and look up any new token you plan on investing in. At the time of writing this, there were 5 new tokens listed in the last hour, one of them being another one attempting to leech of Elon Musk's popularity, "ELONS REWARD"; that was 23 minutes ago now and I can already guess where this coin is going... But please, check it out for yourself, maybe this one's different...

Dear @zyx066, Thank you for your help!😄