
Nazi and socialists they are not in opposite. They are the same. They are like two gangs fighting for one city. They are enemies, but their goals (and methods) are the same.

Nazism = National socialism

Thanks for the response @pavelsku, but wow... You don't know what socialism is, or you've no idea what Hitler's national socialism was, or both. The merger between capital and state power isn't socialism. North Korea calls itself a democracy and a people's republic; is that reason enough for you to believe that it actually is a democracy and / or a people's republic? Bernie Sanders labels himself a democratic socialist; does that make you believe he actually is a socialist? Well, he's not; he's a social democrat (simple reversal of words) and therefore advocates for stronger regulated capitalism. The myth that the nazis were socialists is amazing: Hitler thought that socialism (and communism) was an evil Jewish conspiracy, and the socialists and communists in Germany were among his first targets... Time to wake up my friend ;-)

I know what socialism is. Trust me. I was born (and lived) in the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic. You're a theorist, I lived in it.
I insist on what I wrote.

You can insist all you want, you're still wrong. And what you're saying here isn't an argument whatsoever. It's like saying "hey, I know what racism is because I'm black, and you're not, so you're just theorizing while I lived it." If and when you have real arguments instead of gut-feelings, I'll consider responding to them.