
And now there’s been another shooting in Colorado, just days later, maybe a third reported in the past week, I try not to pay too close attention to the lying establishment media crooks. What I have noticed, however, is that whenever they cover these shootings, it’s always to push a political agenda, not address the underlying issues behind them - namely, a nation that glorifies violence (and both ‘parties’ support the empire of violence, the police forces with monopoly on violence who are becoming increasingly violent with brutality cases rising, the culture of violence seen in the entertainment industry, etc.)

The interesting thing about these shootings, from my perspective, is that they happen all the time in the US, but only rarely receive mainstream coverage and then when they do, it’s to push the left/right or black/white division, or to push gun control or other tyrannical measures. And I’m not saying gun ownership is the answer, but gun control measures don’t address the real problem, and that is people willing to commit violence and the reasons this is so.

And speaking of this shooting being deemed a ‘hate crime’, at least I’ve heard them saying it was now, aren’t all real crimes hate crimes by nature, crimes being acts that leave victims? What crime isn’t a hate crime? And unless this shooting was aimed at pushing a political agenda, it wasn’t terrorism, just a crime. Terrorism is violence against innocent, unarmed civilians aimed at pushing political or religious agendas.

Having extensively researched Sandy Hook, Parkland, Las Vegas and other such shootings that garner such dedicated mainstream coverage, and put together tons of content on the Parkland fiasco in particular, I am well aware that some of these are clearly false flags, sometimes with evidence of them being total hoaxes (such as Sandy Hook, what with all the ‘victims’ still alive, and such). At the very least, the official narratives on many of these shootings are based on lies, making the truth quite difficult to ascertain. There have in fact been totally fake shootings, at least one anyway that I covered back when it took place (2019 I think), that got coverage as such and was then exposed by mainstream media itself as being staged by police, so fake shootings to push political agendas do take place, it’s not some crazy conspiracy theory, it’s admitted fact - and in this case the local Mayor I believe (some local authority) was immediately pushing political agenda in response before the whole thing was exposed as bogus fake news (as if he was prepared and knew it was coming, like he was in on the hoax). So this kind of thing does happen. False flags do happen, just look at 9/11 for perfect example, or the admitted ones like Gulf of Tonkin. I’m not saying this and the recent Colorado shootings are fake, staged, or false flags at all, only that I’m skeptical when waves of shootings jumped on by the mainstream media take place. All I really know is if the media and social justice warriors who only pop up when rallied by the mainstream media truly cared about humanity, they’d cover and protest the US war crimes, they’d cover and protest the Saudi genocide in Yemen, they’d cover more shootings on a regular basis and protest them all to try to raise awareness (or ignore them all so as not to give them power). But that’s not the case, because the media always has an agenda, and everything they churn out is meant to drive such an agenda.

I haven’t looked into these latest shootings, and probably won’t much, as I see them as a big distraction from the far bigger issue that partisan politics and mainstream media coverage is distracting from, and that is the Covid Con and ongoing march to total global tyranny and push for global vaccination against the will of the populations being vaccinated, by a clearly dangerous experimental injection making Big Pharma billions.

Every event taken up by the media like this, and the immigrant issue, is used to divide and conquer - used to fuel the racial/religious/political division - while they are currently very busy enslaving us all. They didn’t just lockdown blacks and women, just lock down republicans or democrats, just lock down this country or that country, they locked us all down. Same with societal masking, same with vaccination campaign, same with the push to have vaccine passports required simply to function in society. This tyranny is being aimed at us all, all of us, and they want us segueing about these petty issues to keep us distracted, divided, and in constant fear, so we don’t unite and rise up against them, the establishment enslaving us all.

Pretty soon, if we don’t rise above our differences and all this petty political/racial/gender/religious/etc. differences, we’ll find out firsthand that to them, NO LIVES MATTER.

Hi @jasonliberty, thanks for responding :-) Mainstream media doesn't report anything without an ulterior agenda, political, economical or otherwise. And I'll even grant you your conspiratorial view that some of the mass shootings are "staged", although that's not proved by any means. But yes, you're right that false flag operations are very real...

However, there were more than 600 mass shootings in the U.S. in 2020 alone. More than 600 in one year. This type of violence is already on the way to be completely normalized in and for America; if all of them were to be extensively reported on, it wouldn't even register anymore in the minds of the general public.

aren’t all real crimes hate crimes by nature

No. If a person steals an apple or a loaf of bread because they're hungry, there's no hate involved. When they get arrested for possessing or using drugs, there's no hate involved. When a white collar criminal cheats old people out of their pensions, they don't do that because they hate old people. And capitalism solicits many acts that aren't even illegal, but are criminally harmful to countless people.

And the rap song you've linked here... Where to start? Let me just say that he's wrong, just as wrong as those who "counter" BLM with "All Lives Matter" or "Blue Lives Matter", because they all fail to take into account existing power-relations.

Thanks for the response, and I will concede that crimes of desperation may not be done out of hate, although you can’t really say you’re loving your neighbor when you’re stealing from him, however desperate you may be :) Also, I only consider ‘crimes’ that have victims to be real crimes, otherwise they are just violations of unlawful political edicts. No victim, no crime. Those who love their neighbors, don’t victimize them, thus whether truly consciously hateful or not, all crimes have some degree of ‘hate’ (lack of love) involved.

But to say it is wrong to “counter BLM” as you put it, by stating that all lives matter is “wrong,” boggles my mind. If you listen close, and maybe he clarifies further in another song, but he isn’t countering the reality that Black Lives Matter, only the hijacking of the movement by mainstream media to fuel the black vs. white divide and associated racism on both sides, when most people in this country are not racist, at least not the ones I know. And I know an awful lot of blacks love his music, just as an awful lot of blacks voted for Trump. The media narrative is just wrong, no matter how much institutionalized racism remains. Institutionalized corruption effects us all, and racism is only one aspect of that corruption. “Black lives matter is a valuable movement” are his exact words, and I’m not really sure where you would start about him being “wrong” as there’s so much truth in that song.

“All lives matter isn’t racist.” Do you not think all lives matter or that it simply isn’t good to point that fact out because that somehow belittles those fighting for black equality, I don’t understand? The notion that ‘all lives matter is racist’ is quite flawed, and I still haven’t figured out how that works exactly.

The entire point of the song is that to the system, no lives matter (apart from the elite running it), and thus any movement that plays into these divisive narratives being used to pit Americans against each other while the power elite are busy enslaving us all are distractions and only further serve the divisive agenda. The song is literally one big call to unity to put our differences aside and rise up against the establishment, and you say that’s wrong? I’m really just curious what all besides maybe the notion of ‘all lives matter’ being racist is seen by wrong by people like yourself who stand in opposition of the same establishment this song is directed at exposing and bringing down.

The media division tactics are working too, it seems, as I see more and more signs of hatred between average Americans while the criminals at the top are all but ignored, while at the same time blacks and whites alike are being threatened of losing their job and not being allowed to travel if they refuse to take the new experimental injections called vaccines, and the tyrannical lockdowns (and associated ‘public health’ measures) targeted the entire global population without discrimination, apart from the rich political class being exempt, as they are always exempt from their own laws).

Maybe I’m way off, but unity seems like a far more powerful message in these crazy times than ‘black lives matter’, a fundamental truth we hopefully all know and accept in our modern time of 2020/2021, which paradoxically is also captured by the statement, “all lives matter,” which is somehow still deemed racist by some.

There are no political parties, just players , and authoritarian loving useful idiots, who argue for 'their side'...smh...


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There are many viruses not only in the body but also in the mind

There are indeed; they're called mind-viruses or "memes". Thanks for stopping by @forexboy :-)

Your post is reblogged and upvoted by me. It is a good post. Thank you @zyx066

Thanks so much for all the support @optimusre ! :-)