
Thanks for sharing @zyx066. I feel your frustration.

You might be like to consider another viewpoint regarding coronavirus.
And learn about some equitable alternatives to the current corrupt capitalist systems.

There is a most remarkable system called Copiosis which is more or less ready to go. Getting it implemented however, from the Copiosis Organisations viewpoint (according to their FAQ's) is a 10-20 year plan. I can see the possibility that Copiosis could be put into place in under 5 years, IF we the people get behind The Matrix-8 Bottom Up multi-level governance platform.

The question is are we prepared to actually do something to bring positive change. Are we prepared to be pioneers and step courageously forward to explore unknown territories? Not many are, because by doing so we have to deal with our un-integrated emotions. We have to fully feel all the very uncomfortable feelings we have always stuffed sown in the past, because we were not taught that feelings were supposed to be fully felt until they pass, like waves in the ocean.

From what i have learned, shouting about how bad the existing stuff, or even shouting about and extolling the benefits of alternatives, is just not effective (no-one listens) unless i have come to peace with the world and with myself.

This does not mean accepting the status quo, it just means accepting what i cannot change, and instead changing myself with inner work (basically just being still and feeling the bodily sensations, consistently and patiently), then acting upon the inspiration which flows from that peaceful space. Then my words and actions become effective. That is my understanding, and i feel i am slowly getting better at being this way.

Earlier today i wrote about some alternative information about coronavirus, and also shared some more about Matrix-8. I hope you will take a look and deeply investigate Matrix-8 and help to move this revolutionary platform into being:

Once Matrix-8 is in use by the people, for the people, it should be quite easy to move from corrupt capitalism to Copiosis: or another equitable system.

If you choose to dive deeply into these uncharted waters to learn about these ways of outsmarting the powers that shouldn't be, i would really appreciate hearing back from you, with comments, questions or ideas.

With Love

Wow. Thanks so much for this elaborate and well thought out response :-) I believe you're right in that we really have to do some soul-searching to come to the realization that we're capable of so much more and so much better. I've saved the links and will do my best to read through them; thanks for that too!

Great. Thank you . Your feedback will be much appreciated.

@zyx066. I encourage you to also read this thread: and this post which includes a reply written by John Huckel clarifying a lot more about how Matrix-8 works.

Peace and Love

"That might sound harsh, but I can't help being honest about it."

Sounds perfect to me.

Preach it comerade!

Thanks so much for this kind response my friend :-) I won't stop "preaching" anytime soon!

Thank you!
This 2 (actually 6) Trillion dollar bailout is disgusting, rapacious and callous.

People need Public Health Care!
Amazon, Boeing, etc. DO NOT need a 500 billion slush found!
This is straight up robbery and with people on lockdown they cannot take to the streets to protest the obscene greed and injustice!

Fuck Wall Street.


No, thank YOU my friend! :-) Maybe it is time to let this whole house of cards collapse, which is something we have the power to do by not working and not participating in this economy anymore; we're doing it right now, we'll just have to extend it even when this whole pandemic blows over...

I agree.

Well, that's surprising... I thought that you love capitalism so much?

The love of money is the root of all evil. Now, money is like a gun. It is a tool. Many things are tools and are not evil themselves. But people do bad things via what you might call capitalism. You call it capitalism. But that does not mean it is capitalism. When you talk to me, you are sending me information to me. And when I talk back, I send information back to you. That is an exchange. I like exchanges. I like the ability to exchange.

When you organize your entire socioeconomic system around the core value of maximizing personal gains

Just like every other single species in the animal kingdom, you mean?

Ok, got it.

So, animals maximize personal gains, do they? Your first mistake is to think there is a kingdom outside the realm of human culture. Your second mistake is to ascribe human emotion to those animals; have you read the many articles about cats being the most selfish animals in the world? They're not selfish, they don't even know what that means. And even IF you were to believe that nonsense, don't you think we are unique in that we're capable of rising above those supposed primal instincts?

don't you think we are unique in that we're capable of rising above those supposed primal instincts?

I think we're egotistical enough, to think that we do.