
How similar is Monopoly to Life? I guess this other game called Life was more a role playing like board game. It had a bunch cards and a board. I think you made a few choices as you moved across the board to live life. But I forget how you win the game.

First player to reach the graveyard (heaven) wins!

😂 🤣

It sure brings out the best in people ,.. ;-)

Seriously though: the problem is that many people believe it actually does bring out the best in people...

This reminds me of when I was a kid and some friends and I would play this game together.

The oldest kid would always win.

They would offer us deals that looked good, like, "I'll trade you these two unmatched properties for the one property you have that I need to complete a set."

They tried to loan us money with a fee or charge interest, but even we weren't stupid enough to fall for that one. If I borrow $100 I will pay you back $100. That's obviously fair.

So once, we "teamed up" and stopped charging each other rent and loaned each other money to buy properties, and at first the older kid was dismissive, confident they would win anyway, but when they started to lose, they grew quite angry and started accusing us of "cheating".

After that, they said we could only play if we agreed to "play fair".

----They would offer us deals that looked good, like, "I'll trade you these two unmatched properties for the one property you have that I need to complete a set."------

Me : No problem , you can have the dark blue one , ...only when you sign this contract that gives me 5 free passes on those street's .
Fair play ,... in a game where the whole point is to destroy the competition . Where the dice take you to places , you can't pay for , against your free will . LOL ;-)

No kidding.

Teaming up is always the right move :-) Especially when the cheaters think that's cheating ;-)

I agree.