
Honestly enough why would I vote for someone who's doing a good job and who is actually taking some extraordinary measures in the native American Community stands testimony for its own action.

And especially when individuals arguing the leftists point of view are so rude as well as willing to be highly disrespectful as a means of trying to win a exchange of ideas.

Why is it that leftist individuals continually push and disrespect others?

Maybe it is just a sign of their true intentions when they treat individuals this way?

Maybe this is a glaring character flaw that these individuals are showing to the world and unfortunately with an individual with mental illness they cannot see the repercussions of their actions.

Honestly enough I have friends of mine who have views that differ from mine and we are able to talk and exchange ideas and thoughts civilly.

Why is it that here in Portland there is no civility anymore and now it has gotten past physical violence in the street and entered the land of murder and assassination.

Yep that's right here in Portland we had a 100% antifa individual who ended up murdering another individual just because of ideological differences.

From the Berkeley bike lock incident to the Portland riots. The left has shown itself to want violent revolution and a communist overthrow of the current government.

Come on let's really be honest if we're talking about what the left really wants but it is to violently overthrow the United States and to instill communism and a full totalitarian dictatorship amongst the people styled after the Chinese Communist party control of China...

With of course you thinking that the people funding you are going to allow you control and power when they are going to execute you as quick as they execute your neighbor.

There will be no collective utopian ideal existence under that system.

However by all means continue your one-sided opinion. And telling others how they think and feel.

However by all means continue your one-sided opinion. And telling others how they think and feel.

That's what libtards excel at.

How very astute of a conclusion and good job thinking for yourself.

Hopefully freedom of speech will continue

Framing it as 'left' and 'right', 'fascism' or 'socialism', and you are supporting the powers that be...(they are both the same).
You're either advocating statist collectivism - or you're not..
(and if you do support statism - then you need to read my post underneath - the fallacy of misplaced concreteness - because your perceptive is based entirely on a logical fallacy).

Clean your head, matey!

I appreciate your efforts as well as your eloquence thank you very much for your exchange of ideals

Yes indeed, why vote for a fascist?

Name one fascist action Trump did, just one.