"The mind is like water which becomes still when poured into a clear bowl."

The quote "The mind is like water, it becomes clear when it's still" reveals deep wisdom. It means that the mind is essentially clear and pure, but becomes restless and murky due to disturbances and impurities.


Through the practice of mindfulness and meditation, we can calm and clarify our mind, just as the water in a clear bowl comes to rest and regains its clarity.

This approach is deeply rooted in Buddhist philosophy. In the Buddhist view, the mind is the center of our being, and it is our understanding and control of the mind that can lead us to a happy and fulfilling life.


By cultivating mindfulness and meditation, we can detach ourselves from our thoughts and emotions and develop a clear mind that enables us to see the world around us more clearly and objectively.

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Images: StableDiffusion in Nightcafé, My Profile & PlaygroundAI.com My Profile

Text Content: Proudly made with Chat GPT

Images available as poster art on SaatchiArt

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