Honey, I shrunk the dog!

in Manipulation Station4 years ago (edited)

My True Story ...

Guard the Farm

Hello my name is Brutus. And I live on a large farm. I was bought by my owner to guard the farm our property and my owner. Yes you are probably laughing now that you are reading this and then see my photo. Such a small dog, who lives in an insect house, guard a farm? That's impossible! That is what you will think. And you know, you are right! I can no longer perform my task. Where I was once a big strong dog that could protect everything and everyone, now I am the one who needs to be protected from everything and everyone. It is not without reason that my owner made me a new house for me.

None of his inventions ever worked

It is like this ... my owner is an inventor! And one day he was working on a new invention of his, a very big machine with which he could make things smaller. And because he had never succeeded in his idea, I was not afraid when he turned on the machine's power. I was always very close to my owner, yes logical right? How else would I protect my owner? So even that day I was very close when he turned on the power of his machine. And well… since my owner doesn't always work carefully, most of his inventions don't work either. I was not surprised that when he pressed the button suddenly a lot of flashes of light and small flames came out of the engine. It was exciting to watch and I half laughed at my owner when he made the strangest jumps to avoid the light streams. Fascinated, I continued to watch how one of those electrically charged streams found its way out of the machine. The stream came straight at me with great speed and when it reached my front leg it curled all around me and closed in on me.

This time it did ...

I felt a shudder go through my body and barked loudly, but was shocked when my deep heavy bark suddenly sounded very high and thin. WHAT THE WOOF HAPPENED TO ME? Surprised, I looked at my owner and saw that he was looking at me with wide eyes. His mouth open in a silent scream. He put his hands over my mouth and shouted "OH NO WHAT DID I DO". I walked over to my owner to give him a lick over his hand like I did every time to comfort him, when one of his inventions failed. But what was this now? My owner suddenly seemed like a big giant! I couldn't even look over his shoe! Now I couldn't understand it anymore and looked up questioningly. My owner knelt down and held out his giant hand to me… I was just about to ask him why he was suddenly so big when the door opened and the lady of the house came in. She looked at my boss angrily and said “Fred I want you to restore the power immediately! I have to work with my PC and the power went out because of your experiment”. When she looked down why my owner was kneeling on the floor, I suddenly saw her eyes widen. Her mouth also fell open and she asked softly "Fred what have you done?" My owner looked at her with tears in his eyes and said in a choked voice "HONEY, I SHRUNK THE DOG".

But not for the good ...

Well… I can tell a lot more, but the most important thing is that my owner is now working very hard to turn the machine over. Finally, the ONLY time that one of his inventions has worked, he must immediately convert his invention to reverse the effect. And until he can do that ... I live in my little new house. Safely protected from everything and everyone.

Hoping that the day will come soon when my owner will make me big and strong again!


How did I make it?

For this image I used the SOURCE image, provided by @derangedvisions in his ANNOUNCEMENT POST for this first contest.

dog manipulation station contest 1.jpg

The second photo I used is a photo of my own.


Then the final touch with the two BEEs, which I found on the internet, free to download as a PNG file.

  • Step 1 ... Download the source image provided by @derangedvisions.
  • Step 2 ... Import that image in photoshop and use subject selection tool to select it.
  • Step 3 ... Make a new layer with layer mask from the subject
  • Step 4 ... Open the photo you want to use as your background
  • Step 5 ... With the move tool selected, drag the dog layer with layer mask into your background and place it there where you want it
  • Step 6 ... Scale the dog layer to the right size for your project, keep an eye on proportions (I intentionally made the dog very small because it fit my story)
  • Step 7 ... I cut the mesh door from my photo and placed it in a new layer above the layer of the dog
  • Step 8 ... Put a layer mask on the layer with the mesh door, and with a black brush I painted in the layer mask to mask away the wooden background, so the dog would be BEHIND the mesh.
  • Step 9 ... Open the PNG file with the bee and placed them where I wanted them in the image.
  • Step 10 ... Do the final adjustments on the image with new adjustment layers, and last an overlay layer filled with 50% grey to dodge and burn exactly there where you want it.


Sorry I didn't have to much time for this ... but I had a crazy busy week. Hope to get more creative with the next one.

But despite of that ... I really wouldn't miss the first contest from the new MANIPULATION STATION.

I enjoyed it very much!



@derangedvisions sure is a wacky dood!

Funny Story, from a funny picture 🤣😂😹😂🤣

Thanks ... Wish I could have done better, but glad you enjoyed it.

Nice story, and some nice photo rendering, the dog really looks like it is in the box.

Thank you for your kind reply. Very much appreciated.

oooh what a fun contest/ initiative, I loved the 'story' <3
Brutus is so cute, haha

Lol ... thanks @battleaxe. Happy you loved the 'story'. This is what I very much like to do. I only wish I had more time. The idea had actually been much more extensive, but unfortunately I did not have that time these days.

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