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RE: Four Years Ago

As I reflect on your story, I'm remembering my experiences in helping other friends with anxiety. From the side of a friend wanting to help. I've learned that it's a personal battle. I've learned to temper myself. I remember thinking if their anxiety is making me uncomfortable, then how much worst is it for them.

I learned to read my own body language, and detect when I myself was in need of peace. The last thing I wanted was to react to their anxiety. Though I've failed several times, and found myself apologizing. I learned how to monitor myself, and developed techniques too allow me to regulate myself.

I say that because I genuinely care about them. I know it's not their fault. I changed my focus to uplifting them, and conveying a belief in their strength.

As someone who cares about them. It's so hard to find that balance. Yet I appreciate the inner battle you faced. I feel that it allows you to empathize with a person through your own experience. You have an understanding of their pain, yet you also have confidence in that the battle can be won. Nice work